This is one of those projects that started with one idea, but kept morphing into something a little different. Does that ever happen to you? Story of my life! I am thrilled that I finally able to share this with you because I have been working really hard on this for quite a while now. What is the subject? Common Core!
I created these to fill a need for documenting educational impact for speech & language. You know how we have to do that? How impressed would your administrators be when you document with CCS? These ratings scales can be used for progress monitoring, RtI assessment, or baselines/postlines. Since they are K-5, you can document student progress across grade levels. It is important to note that these are informal assessments, based on observations. SLPs, teachers, or any other educators can use these, and I even plan to have some of my older students rate themselves!
These scales are designed with a quick and easy to read rating format. Each standard is broken down by “I can”statements, which will be rated on a scale from 1 to 4. All skills are easily observable in the classroom setting and a scoring key is provided on each page. Ratings for each skill are added and divided by the total to yield an overall score, the goal being 75%. This goal was established based on a rating of at least ‘3’ for each skill in the standard, which would indicate the student is demonstrating the skill most of the time. There are two pages for each grade level.
I also included a teacher letter template, which you can use to give to teachers with the ratings forms. It is a good reference for directions, as well as a reminder about when to return it to you.
The student summary page is a great way to summarize the information obtained on the ratings form. This is perfect for IEP meetings, conferences, or RtI team meetings!
You can find this product in my TPT STORE!
I also have Speaking & Listening scales for middle and high school, as well as for Elementary Language Standards. Click the links to check them out
I am SO excited about being able to use this year and I want you to as well!
Life in a Small Town says
My goal this year is to fully incorporate Common Core into my therapy sessions. This would be a tremendous help!
Carol says
I use many rating scales/rubrics when discussing skills with classroom teachers. This looks to be very helpful.
6bab4fc4-eb0f-11e2-82ad-000bcdca4d7a says
The rating scales will provide a useful link between my two worlds: SLP & RtI Specialist for the district.
Anonymous says
Definitely can use this easy to understand, Common Core-realaed rating system!
Jen K says
I think this would be very useful for me with classroom teachers. Provides great information as to where to go with SL goals that relate to the common core.
wagnerslp says
This would be great to use in planning intervention and on measuring progress! Wish me luck!
Denise Vella says
We are trying to fully incorporate CCS into all IEPs snd sessions this year…thanks for this great resource!
Carrie Manchester says
Jenn this looks amazing! Great for making therapy sessions aligned with curriculum!
Sweet Tooth Fairies says
Great resource
Anonymous says
looks great
Joy says
Looks like a great resource especially for Common Core Standards. Thank you!
Joy says
I wish someone would do this for grades 6-8!
SLP Gone Wild says
I am working on that Joy!
Lauren L. says
This looks awesome! It would be perfect for keeping the communication between the SLP and classroom teachers. Thanks for creating!
jrSLP says
Great for aligning therapy with common core!! Always looking for things like this!!
Suzanne B. says
I have been looking all summer for a way to incorporate common core AND make sure I have a way of evaluating my students’ skills. This looks like a fabulous resource that I would certainly utilize in my classroom on a regular basis!
Anonymous says
I’m crossing my fingers. would love to bring more commoncore to my school!
MrsJillyM says
This would be amazing to support our students and teachers!
Courtney Gragg says
I love the idea of using a checklist that aligns with the Common Core (the administrators will love it too)!
Denise C says
This is fantastic! I would definitely use this when writing my student’s annual IEPs and when updating progress.
Anne says
This would be fantastic to use for IEP meetings, as well as when working with teachers. Administrators would also love to see this!
Janet says
I would love to have this resource for 9-12!
SLP Gone Wild says
I will get that out eventually! Working on middle school now, then high school
Cindy L Meester says
Great resource to help with progress reports.
Alana Vickery says
This is a great resource for screening students, monitoring RtI cases, and teacher input for progress reports/annual reviews for students already on the caseload. Looks great!
Lisa Varo says
Im always looking for rating scales or rubrics. This would be great!
Amy Roberts says
This is a great resource for progress monitoring and including teachers as well.
Heather says
Definitely helpful to understand the common core
Sharon says
This would be a great tool to help SLPs and Teachers “get” on the same page.
Brookssy says
Great tool to help with aligning our goals and to help teachers understand what we can do.
Anonymous says
Can’t get enough common core materials!! Great work Jenn
Amy Carlton says
This looks great for progress monitoring and teacher communication. Love it!!!!!!!
ShannanW says
Always on the cutting edge Jenn! These would be very useful for using with admin, teachers, and even parents, to show how the goals we are working on in S/L therapy relate to the Common Core. LOVE!
Tatyana Elleseff says
teacher communication and progress monitoring
Tracy Morlan says
I will use this resource to communicate with teachers about where their student(s) stand with regard to the CCSS. It could also be used as a guide to writing IEP goals.
Anonymous says
These look great! They will be most helpful in justifying the provision of speech and language services to administration. They will also provide a great guide when consulting with teachers and writing IEPs. Wonderful!
Ruth says
What an excellent resource!
Lora-Joy says
These will be a great Resource for CCS! Thanks!
Marya A says
I would love to use thus for baseline and progress monitoring.
Kara Ann Jones says
This would be great for Present Levels for IEPs :o)
Carly says
We are not yet required to have common core but I think it would be a great resource for baseline and progress monitoring.
Simpanderson says
Really want to incorporate in all my goals this year and be accountable for my administration.
Language of Speech says
Great resource! We just met as a department a few weeks ago to talk about how we want to change our current rating scales to align with Common Core. Thanks for a great resource!
Cindy Koll says
This looks like a great resource to use with my teachers to encourage their involvement in student’s IEP goals!
Shannon Giles says
I think these would be great to share with teachers to know what language expectations are for their students. Getting pertinent information for reports and therapy progress will be helpful as well.
lin says
Looks great and can see utilizing for goal writing and progress monitoring!
Lisa Baez says
Definitely interested in this. Looks great!
Melissa A says
My goal this year it to focus my therapy on CCS, this would be a great resource to help me create goals!
meagan says
I think this would be a great resource in progress monitoring, creating goals, and during RtI! Thank you so much for this!!
Jessica Smith says
This would be a great resource, especially for a beginning SLP in the schools. I became familiar with the Common Core during my practicum in the schools and this will certainly be beneficial for therapy.
Anonymous says
I just downloaded and printed my prize, and I love it! This will be REALLY helpful for helping refine those “There’s something just not right” referrals! Great job, Jenn! Thanks so much! ~Jill G.