These articulation activities are going to be a huge hit with your clients and make planning super easy!
Something that all SLPs need all the time, is quick and easy ideas for articulation drill practice. Often we use a short list of words (5-10) and practice them over and over again, which can seem super boring.
So how do we make this therapy technique FUN while practicing the same few words over and over? I’ve got 5 awesome ideas for you!
- Hide and Find: Use some small pictures, cards, or objects and place them around the room for your students to find. Once they do, they can practice the word several times. This is a great activity for kids who need more movement.
- Counters: These are an easy way to get a ton of repetition, and I’m not sure but I think they might be magic. For some reason, kids love to use these to compete with themselves or their group members for a number of trials. All you need are your practice words and you’re good to go. I have these and they work great!
- Cups: This might sound silly, but my students always loved this activity! We took the small bathroom-style paper cups and for every word they said correctly, they earned a cup to stack. They would create super tall towers! You could also do it with blocks. I always just let them build until it falls down… lots of giggles and you can continue to practice while they clean up!
- Simple Crafts: These are things like these ripped paper tasks or giant letters, which don’t require much to prep and don’t take the attention off of the goal at hand.
- Play Dough: Often, probably more than I care to admit, I could hand my kids a tub of play dough and let them go to town while we drilled. I made a clear rule that when it was their turn to practice, hands down & head up so they were focused on their productions. Even the big kids love this! I liked having these small tubs and everyone could choose their color for the session. Costco usually carries these during the back-to-school time for a little less than Amazon.
I love pairing these activities with these my minimal pairs mini pictures! They are so versatile that you can use them with just about anything. Find those here.
What other fun and easy activities do you use in your speech therapy sessions?