It is sort of a weird week for us…only four days and then spring break starts and we are off for a a little over a week. Then report cards go home immediately when we get back. SO, I am collecting as much data this week as possible to get those dreaded progress reports done. And…sometimes, I don’t feel the creative juices flowing (shocker, I know) or am doing therapy on the fly and I need to dig deep into my bag of tricks for therapy activities. That day was today.
What I did was cut one big letter for the sound that each student is working on. I even let them pick the color…such a nice SLP I am. I have gotten pretty good at just freehand cutting these letters, so I can do it when they come in the room. If you aren’t as used to cutting giant letters, you might want to do it beforehand.
Then things get crazy and they find pics to cover the letter with that have their sound in it. Easy as pie! They use the pics from our artic buckets, magazines, newspapers, whatever is in the recycle box, etc! It is really awesome to see them get good at finding their speech sounds…they love it! Using the magazines/newspapers is probably my favorite version, but it works fine with artic pics too!
Do you ever do anything like this for therapy? Do you have other ‘speech-on-the-fly’ crafts?

Yes!! My version is even less fancy. I like having them cut out magazine pictures that have their sound on it, but I have never taken the time to cut the construction paper into a letter shape. I’ll have to try that. This week my artic groups are decorating Easter eggs (coloring pages – no dye in the speech room!) and making mini word books.