Need spring speech and language activities? Too Many Carrots by Katy Hudson is another one in this series of forest friends and it’s one of my favorite springtime books to use in therapy.
This story is about Rabbit, who just loves carrots and can’t stop collecting them… until it starts to cause all kinds of trouble for himself and his friends. Using a rabbit theme is pretty common in April and there are so many activities you can do with this book to make it last for several weeks!
I like to use this book companion to follow up with specific skills after we do a reading or two. You can also use them to collect data on story concepts when you wrap up your book unit.
This carrot craft is super easy to do! All you need is construction paper, scissors, and glue. Cut one shade of the construction paper into strips, then have your students glue the strips to the paper. Once they have filled the page, they will cut it into a carrot shape (or triangle). I also added one strip of green, folded over, as the top. You can use this craft to target any goal, but I especially like using things like this for articulation. Students can ‘earn’ the pieces for their craft as they practice words. You could even write words on the strips as a take-home activity.
Plastic Eggs
I found these plastic carrot containers, which are very similar to plastic eggs that open up! They would make a perfect activity for your younger students. You can add them to a sensory bin as I did above, and play with them by adding objects to the inside! You could also add story props inside, then your students can describe the characters and retell the story.
Feed the Rabbit
I’ve shared this activity before, but it goes so well with this story too! This vocabulary resource includes carrots that are antonyms, associations, and functions so your students can feed the rabbit while learning! I added the carrots to a sensory bin to make it even more hands-on and the kids loved it.
Jumping Jack
Jumping Jack is a fun game where you pull a carrot out to see if he is going to jump! When he does jump, you have to catch him to win. I’m not gonna lie, it scares me every. single. time he jumps, but the kids think it’s hilarious, making it a very motivating game for them!
Boom Cards
If you are doing teletherapy, or are just a big fan of no prep, these Boom cards are a perfect therapy tool to target articulation. The carrots are covering the target words, so they feed the rabbit and then practice the word. The rabbit’s mouth moves too!

[…] In addition, I came up with this sensory bin activity for my students to feed the rabbit 3 different kinds of carrots: word associations, object functions, and antonyms. This was perfect for my busiest hands and tied into the book perfectly (but it also goes great with Too Many Carrots) […]