I’m becoming a world traveler. Scratch that. US traveler. I still haven’t left this glorious country of ours, but that’s really beside the point of this post. I’m leaving on a jet plane….
It’s ASHA time, folks! Could I BE any more excited?!? I get to be with MY people. That’s you. And thousands of our closest friends. Woohoo! My bloggy friends and I are going to be hanging out in Booth 429 in the exhibit hall and we can’t wait to talk with you guys!
But in order to get to Denver, I have to pack…and friends, that is where my excitement stops. This is my suitcase. I have to fill it with all kinds of things. Heavy things. Cause when you have a booth (429) and are gonna talk to thousands of people, you need all the the things. Wanna sneak peek?
What in the world? Yes. It’s beach balls. If you come see me while I’m at the booth (429, don’t forget), you will get one of these balls. Unless I run out. So that means you have to come see me immediately. But don’t worry, I have 500. Yes. I know. Do you know how heavy 500 beachballs are? It’s a surprising amount. A lot more than I anticipated. I’m also slightly concerned over what security is going to think about this. Security gives me anxiety. I swear, I had great intentions when I came up with this idea. Now, I’m second guessing my choices.
I also have 5,000 post cards to hand out. That’s heavier than the beachballs. A lot heavier. I’m probably going to have to pay a good amount to get these babies out to Denver. But they are pretty and I can’t wait to give you one.
The last part is pretty important. Clothes. This is my sad, sad Florida-girl collection of winter clothes. That’s every single sweater, sweatshirt, long sleeve anything I own. Yikes, huh? Winter is not my favorite, by any means. And when I discovered that the HIGHS in Denver would be 50 something degrees, I panicked. I bought a new coat and a hair dryer. I know, I don’t even own a hair dryer. But I live in Florida, it was like 80 degrees today. So I’ve got some more anxiety about how cold I’m gonna be. And the fact that winter clothes take up SO much room in my suitcase. With my beach balls and post cards.
Despite my packing woes, I’m SO EXCITED AND I JUST CAN’T HIDE IT. I will be in booth 429 each day AND we have a Meet and Greet planned for Thursday night! I can’t wait to see you there and talk to you!
And if you aren’t coming, don’t worry, I’ll be on Facebook and Instagram and Periscope all week, spreading the #ASHA15 love!
Until then, pray for me and my packing.

Have a blast Jenn! I was considering it but found a 2 day conference next week right here 2 hours away from me which is much more travel friendly and the options are school related so score! Enjoy for us all. I will be watching for your updates. I’ll miss seeing you and visiting with you guys! I also would’ve brought a beach ball home to our cold upstate NY winter to help us forget how cold it is! Lol. Have fun forus all
Aw man! Wish you were coming, but totally understand…maybe next year in Philly??? 🙂
Good luck packing! Have a great time!
Thanks Tara!
My siutcase is still empty, too! I leave Wed. Looking forward to meeting you!
Aaaack! Can’t wait to meet you, Kristin!