I’m not a big fan of change. Like most people, it gives me a lot of anxiety and stress, even when I know I’m making the right decision. My mind races in the wee hours of the night about planning and preparation and the what ifs. It’s something I’m working on. Continuously. Recently I decided to make a change. A big one. Huge, even. I talked it over with God more times than I care to count and when I knew, I knew. It was the right move. Literally. Are you dying to know?
I quit. I quit my job. I quit my job and I’m moving to another city. I’m leaving my friends and some of my family and my job that I love and the dang beach. Y’all. The beach. And the shopping. And the awesome restaurants. Did I mention the beach? I’m moving back to my hometown, which could be described as nothing but small and a little bit country…and I hate to admit that I adore it so much. Even if it’s an hour from the ocean.
Why? I’m in love. Plain and simple. I am madly in love with these two people and our life together is bigger than my life alone.
It’s funny when you realize that you have become so comfortable in a life that you weren’t meant to live forever. My current setup is extremely comfortable. I’ve been in my house for 5 years. I’ve been at the same school since the doors opened in 2008. I know what’s going to happen and it’s easy. But I don’t believe that is how this life should be lived. I know that I am meant for more things. I know now that I have other paths to walk, more people to meet, and different children to learn from. Change is scary, but change is good. With change comes growth and isn’t that what we are supposed to continue to do?
New adventures on the horizon…I am so excited to see what is next for me. I’ve made a deal that I will be open to other opportunities and I won’t just take the easy route. I already know I can do hard things. I’m built tough. I’ve got family and love and the Lord all on my side. What else could a girl ask for?
Wish me luck, friends! I’m glad I’ve got you to join me on this ride 🙂

I know change can be rough but I’m wishing you all good things on your journey and peace in your heart along the way! C
And you’re going to ROCK it! No matter what happens 🙂 Happy first Monday off the job!
I’m so proud of you! You are going to be amazing wherever you go 🙂 It takes guts and a ton of faith to do this and I’m not sure I could, at least right now. Good luck and I’ll be thinking of you! Can’t wait to see what big things are in store for you next 🙂
When we follow our heart nothing can go wrong. Good luck!
Gonna miss you! But I am so happy for you too!
You will be fine! I am much older than you but I did the same exact thing 22 years ago. Left a city and moved home to rural SW GA. not even a movie theatre. It was the best decision ever. Always for love. Blessings.
One of my favorite quotes is, “If nothing ever changed, there would be no butterflies.” Change isn’t easy, but it can bring such wonderful rewards. Best wishes on your new adventures, friend!
Enjoy your new adventure!
Change is definitely scary, but it sounds like you made the right decision! The things we do for love
Wow, how weird that you and I are going thru the exact same thing!! I also am leaving a place I have lived 15 years and am ” comfortable” at as well as a job I am comfortable at, to move across the state back near the area I grew up in. It is the Southport/ Oak Island area and I grew up about 40 min from there in Wilm NC. So, I am going to the beach!! 🙂 Which is what I have wanted for a long time now, now that it is happening I am also in a state of panic and stress. Excited but non the less. I have no idea where I am going to work, I have to do a resume ( cannot find mine) and start looking and interviewing which who doesnt hate that right??? Anyway, I know after all this ” uncomfortableness” that it will be worth it in end and I sure for you it will too. Congrats and good luck to you! Hope you will keep us all posted! Like you I am trusting God with all of it and trying not to worry and be so anxious.. I pray the same for you!!
We are in the same boat!!! It will most definitely get through this part and it will all be AMAZING! xoxox
Wow, best of luck to you! I made the move to be closer to home a few years ago, and it was such a blessing! You will be a rock star no matter where you go. 🙂
Best wishes and good luck!!
I am doing the same. I quit my job am marrying my love while looking for a new job in our hometown. I know that a new job will be better and less stressful than the school I was at but change is very scary.
Blessings and prayers for your new adventure. You go, girl! Love to see people trusting God.
Girl, I am excited for you! Last year, I decided to make a change of employment after being with the same district for 7 years. It was exciting, scary and once I actually started my new job a bit overwhelming at first. All transition comes with trials, but the blessings always outweigh the trials, especially when God is involved. Taking the plunge is the first step and you did that!! I can’t wait to see what great things come of your new journey.
Wishing you all the best – not that you need it! You will do great things no matter where you go! Change is scary and change is good but when you have the ones you love by your side – it’s all good 🙂
Hugs and love coming your way!! But darn… how am I going to come visit you at the beach now????
Right there with ya, girl! I hate change! It will be soooo glad though. Your post literally gave me goosebumps since I’m going through a lot of it right now too. You will do awesome and love it because family is sooo much more important than a job. xoxo
Good luck and plese keep us posted! God Bless!
Loved reading this and from reading your blog, following your posts and buying your products…I know you will do great things wherever you are! I am moving from St. Louis, Missouri to Lancaster, Pennsylvania in two weeks with a change in jobs and life on the horizon for me too. It’s comforting to read about your journey! Thanks for the post!
Here, here to a new adventure! How exciting!
I’m proud of my girl, for her courageousness to venture out beyond what is comfortable, and for her faith in God! xoxo Your SLPMomma!
I am so proud of you and so blessed to call you friend! (And maybe a little biased since this move is getting you closer to me.) Love you 🙂
Reading this is like an “a-ha” moment for me. My life is changing in a very similar way, leaving behind what I know (and the beach) and moving to a new city for love! I was in the school setting and now I’m trying the private practice/early intervention route. I think we grow from changes and I wish you the best of luck. Wanted to let you know that you are not alone!
You’re right: Change IS good!!! I moved back to my small hometown after being away for 20 years, and I’m so glad that I did! Scary? Yes, but it was so totally worth it!
Congratulations! Change is hard, sounds like you’re making the right choice. You are successful wherever you are!
i resigned my job of 23 years last year after being awarded Teacher of the Year in a district I grew up in. I felt God leading me in new directions and HE went ahead of me and opened every single door. I am really enjoying my new district and now know that there are kids everywhere that need our help and love. Enjoy the experiences. Congratulations and blessings sent your way!
Good luck to you! ! Go for it while you’re young. No one wants to pay an SLP with too much experience. 🙂
Enjoy! !
WOW….we could be twins at this point. I am leaving my condo of 8 years along Lake Michigan in Chicago and my job of 12 years to move to a much smaller town in a different state farther from family and friends as well. I’m getting married next month and all of this change (the moving, new home, new job, etc)is happening so quickly and all at once so, I like you am terrified. I’ve become so extremely comfortable in my job (I even interned here) that the thought of leaving makes me sad, anxious, and excited all at the same time. Reading your post could not have come at a better time as my district begins to wind down to the last day on Friday. I know what I am doing is the right decision and reading your post helps me realize all these crazy emotions are normal 🙂 Best of luck to you!!
Congrats on all your upcoming events! Dealing with some similar things…feel as though I’m needing a change. Best of Luck!! 🙂 Love that you include the Lord in your posts!
Hey Jenn. Thanks for sharing your heart in your post. I wish you all the best. I definitely understand the feelings that you are experiencing with all the change. I’m sure that this change will bring you great JOY once you get used to the transition.
Best of luck with your new adventure!! I’m positive it will be worth it!
An adventure! So glad you listened to that little voice that says, “Let go, move on!” Sometimes the things that scare us the most are the things that benefit us the most! Please keep me up to date with all the wonderful new things you encounter!
Jenn, so sorry to see you go!! I’ve purchased many great therapy activities from you and will miss all that you did. Good luck in all your endeavors but with God at the helm you will do well!!
Nancy, I’m still going to be here blogging and doing TPT! They go with me on my new adventure 🙂
I loved reading this. I am such a creature of habit, so I am so proud of you! I’m a little jealous of your adventurous spirit! God is so good and He will use us in great ways! I adore how you stated “different children to learn from.” That’s exactly how I feel about what I do! Happy packing!
You can never go wrong if you follow your heart 🙂 I wish the best for you and your new life!
Blessings to you!
Change is good!
So, Jenn! First year of new life complete. How did it go? I prayed that you would have a rewarding and low stress year this year! Hugs darling. You keep doing the fine job you are doing! Love n prayers, friend. 😉
Btw, you rock it all! Lol