I am getting all buggy in my room these next couple of weeks and I was going crazy with boredom of my normal routine. I wanted something to get my friends up and moving and found this idea for sight words on Pinterest. So I, of course, adapted it to work for my kids and I couldn’t be more pleased with myself. Ha. Just kidding. At this point in the year, I’m just happy I still know how to do therapy.
What do you need? Bugs! How do you get them? HERE! Actually, I got them from Creative Clips for FREEEEEE. That pleases me. I paid taxes last week, so free is good…better than normal. I printed them out on different colored paper, laminated them, and cut their cute little buggy selves out.
Then I write my targets on the bugs. For this session, we targeted synonyms, but you can target just about anything with this game. Seriously. Articulation, vocabulary words, parts of speech…the list goes on. And yes, your eyes are not deceiving you, I wrote on that with a Sharpie. But, I have a trick. I’ll share it in a sec…
Then, we spread all the little synonym bugs on the table. I said a word and the students searched for the synonym among all the bugs. First one to SMACK it, gets it. Easy, right? They LOVED it.
And here’s my bonus trick! Once you are finished with your game and you want to get rid of the words, you can color over it with dry erase marker and it wipes right off. Like magic. It’s incredible.
Wanna grab the instructions and the bugs to print? Snag them HERE.
I’d love to hear how you are going to use them, so make sure you leave me a comment 😀
Anna Payne says
Super cute bugs! Thanks for sharing.
Jenn says
Thanks Anna!
Heidi Britz says
Great idea! Everyone gets a little buggy this time of year (sorry!) and this is a fun way to work on a lot of goals! Thanks for sharing 🙂
Jenn says
Ha, it’s true! Thanks Heidi!
Becky says
Very cute! Another trick for removing Sharpie from laminated materials is using Static Guard. Just spray a little on and it wipes right off!
Jenn says
I did not know about the Static Guard! Thanks for sharing!
Phyllis Von Ebers says
Rubbing alcohol takes it off. Just use some hand sanitizer or rubbing alcohol!
Kristine says
Thanks for the cute game idea. This is my busiest time of the year due to IEPs and evaluations, so I need activities that are quick and easy to prepare for!
Jenn says
I totally agree Kristine! I hope this works great for you and your students 🙂
Hope says
I’ve used a similar activity for articulation but haven’t considered other uses. A fun addition to the activity is to use fly swatters to smack the bugs. Thanks for the reminder to pull out my bugs!
Jenn says
You’re welcome!
Maria says
Was just wondering… What age group can you usually do these activities that require reading with in your country?
Jenn says
It really depends on the kids and the complexity of the words you wanted to use. Most kids in my school are readers by first grade, but some with reading disabilities can’t that are in the same grade. It’s quite variable.
Annie Doyle says
I’m just “itching” to use this game! Thank you so much!
Lindsay says
You can use a bit of hand sanitizer to get sharpie off laminated things as well!! Love your ideas!
Christy C says
I love your blog, and I nominated you for the One Lovely Blog Award. Check it out here:
Mary says
I just picked up a free fly swatter at a home shoe and my husband couldn’t figure out why I would want one! I had seen your bugs and knew they were perfect. Thanks so much !!
Mary says
should be- home show!!