I love calendars…I mean… I have two planners for goodness sake. Some days are just days. Some have special meaning for one reason or another. Other days change your life. It’s funny how when all the dust settles on the life changing days, you never can forget the date. Today isn’t the day the changed my life. But today is still a really important date.
Today is the day an amazing woman was born. That is for celebrating. I will go to the beach, I will buy her yellow roses, I will drink a glass of Merlot…and maybe do a little dance. These were some of her favorite things. These are the things we would have done if my mom was here.
If you have been around for any length of time, you know that my mom died. The culprit was a ruptured brain aneurysm that was a silent and deadly time bomb we had no idea existed, at least until it was too late. Heartbreaking and terribly tragic are the only ways I can ever describe her death. And however many years may pass, I still have those days when it all still feels unreal or like it just happened. Today shouldn’t be that day.
I could tell you the sad story of seeing her go through this experience and it would break your heart. Watching someone you love suffer, while not being able to help them, must be one of the most painful experiences a human could have. I could cry my eyes out and whine over the fact that I miss her. But I won’t. It won’t help anyone. This picture is from the day I brought E home from the hospital. I, being completely terrified of mothering this squirmy little human, could not have survived that week without her. It is one of those memories I hang on to for dear life, it’s so precious. These are the memories I choose to reflect on today.
God placed me in this situation for reason, I have faith in that. So, I will be the change I want to see because I don’t have the power to change the fact that she is gone. I do have the power to spread the word so that people learn more about this deadly condition. I do have the power to raise money to fund the research that can help keep brain aneurysms from destroying lives.
I support the Brain Aneurysm Foundation on a regular basis. This is my favorite organization to donate money to and talk about. But today, I am asking for your help. To honor my mother. To raise awareness. To make a difference.
If you can’t afford to give anything, that’s ok… I’d love for you to head over to the website and read a little about the signs and symptoms. A little education never hurt anyone 🙂
If you have questions, please let me know!!! I’d love to hear if you have any experiences with brain aneurysms in your family or with your work as an SLP!!

My heart is hurting so much for you. I love how you’ve chosen to embrace her birthday and spend the day as both of you would have spent it together! I was a little fortunate in that my mom’s birthday is Christmas Day (her name is Chris!), so we killed 2 birds with 1 stone this past holiday.
I have your packet on my wishlist. I’m not sure why I haven’t purchased it yet, but I will very soon!
I hope you have a truly wonderful day celebrating your mom! 🙂
Thank you Mary!!! xoxo
Thanks for sharing your story. My mom will be gone 10 years in June and I miss her every single day. Her birthday is Feb 18 – we will be celebrating her day with a view of the Chesapeake Bay, steak dinner and something chocolate. All of her favorites 🙂 Also, thank you for sharing information on aneurysms – scary but good information!
Take Care!!
Thank you so much for your comment!!! xoxo
You are such an inspiration! I loved reading all that your wrote as well as your links. I can only imagine that your mom is happy to see you embarrassing your fond memories and celebrating life! I am off to buy Where the Wild Things Are book companion right now. I hope you exceed your $500 goal and God Bless!
Stephanie, thank you so much!!!
Hugs for you on this difficult day. I admire and will remember the way your celebrate her day. Blessings to you and your family. Where the Wild Things Are is in my cart 🙂
Thank you, Danielle 🙂
Oh you made me cry with this and hearing your story and inspiration for informing others! You are such a strong woman who touches so many lives everyday! You are a special person and I am sure your mom looks down in you daily cheering you on and smiling!! I would love to donate towards your goal!! Hugs!
Love ya, Kimmy! xoxo
You are just a completely inspiration. Thanks for sharing your story! And also for the valuable information, this is the first time that I read about the condition. I bought thE Where the Wild Things Are book companion! Is a small amount but I do with my heart 🙂 ! Hope you complete your goal.
Thank you so much! Small amounts mean just as much as big ones, and my heart is full of gratitude that you even took the time to read it!!! God bless!
I completely understand where you are coming from. My mom died when I was 19 from Breast Cancer. She passed away at the age of 45, and as I am quickly approaching that age, I don’t know how she had the strength and courage to continue on with 4 children still needing their Mom. It was her Faith that got her through and she told me more than once that she was not afraid to die because she knew she was going to a great place. Today, take the time you need to celebrate your Mom and all that she means to you. You are an amazing person and she would be very proud of you!!
Brave, brave women. You and I both come from them. I was 25 an she only 50, so our stories are similar. Thank you for sharing yours too! xoxo
Jenn, You are honoring your mother in a most profound and productive way. She clearly raised a daughter of intelligence, faith, persistence, and action. It is hard to be a motherless daughter and as I write this comment I weep for us all, but our strong mothers raised strong daughters and we rise every day as a living legacy to them! Swim on my mermaid friend, swim on!
I see some nail polish in my future 🙂
Thank you so much Annie <3 #mermaidsforlife xoxox
This is such a great cause and a touching story, Jenn! I will definitely be making a purchase to help you with this endeavor!
Thanks girl!!!!
Hi Jenn!
My mom has a brain aneurysm. We’ve known about it for about a year. It’s inoperable because of the location. The neurologist has indicated that if it does burst, she will be blind in one of her eyes (based on the location of the aneurysm). Every time my mom has a headache, I am terrified that it will burst and I will lose her. My heart goes out to you!!! I will be purchasing your book companion. THANK YOU for doing this fundraiser to raise awareness!!! God bless you!!
My heart goes right back to you!!! I know how scary that must be for you and your family. I will keep your mom in my prayers. Thank you so much for helping! Hugs!!!!
In honor of my friend Linda an amazing SLP and woman. Her life has been forever changed by her own journey after surviving an aneurysm.
God bless her!