Last week was insane. Can I get an A-MEN?! I’m tired, but my brain is wired from all the ideas I have right now. This happens just about every single night of my life. So here I am, blogging it all out, so that I can hopefully pass out and sleep all night until I have to get up for work.
Work. Ohmygoodness. I totally have this week covered. How you ask? Low maintenance therapy materials. This No Prep packet is print and therapize. Or teach. But therapize is a way more fun word. What’s inside you ask? Let’s take a peek!
Tons of language activities! I’ve covered quite a few areas that are heavy hitters on my caseload, so I’m sure they are on yours too.
I’m totally convinced that you can target just about anything with these fun cut and glue pages. C’mon. What can’t you target with these?
And every speech and language packet needs some artic. I love these worksheets and so do my kids! We played these last week…
I let them race to see who could fill one column up first. It was a good time.
This whole packet goes perfect with Snowmen At Night by Caralyn Buehner, which I’ve been reading with my primary students. Such a great story to target rhyming, sequencing, and action words. My kids love it!
It also happens to pair with this Winter Worksheet freebie too!
In case you were wondering how my ‘getting back on track so my pants aren’t tight’ is going…I’d say I conquered week one. I worked out in the sunshine at the start of the week, before the polar blast of 2015. Man it got cold, and I live in FL, so it should not be getting cold. I contemplated a move to a nice beach somewhere near the equator so I don’t have to deal with it. My lack of foreign languages sort of killed that vibe, so I guess I’ll stay. I also ate pretty healthy too…if you follow me on Instagram (@CrazySpeechWorld), you got to see lots of my #SLPeats pics 🙂
I finished this weekend, accomplishing a lot on my to do list and looking forward to the week. People are always asking me how I have time for the creative therapy and paperwork at school or blogging and making TPT products and how in the world I balance that with being a mom. I’m busy and work really hard, but I love it. Working with kids is my passion and I do what I need to do for those sweet faces. I also love having my own businesses…of not just one but TWO things that bring so much joy to my life. So I make time, I work efficiently, I multitask, I schedule. Have you seen my EC planner? It runs my whole life. I’m thoroughly enjoying this season of my life…and I know it won’t last forever. Think like a boss, people. That’s where it’s at.
Grab my new Winter No Prep packet in my TPT Store HERE, and have a FABULOUS week! God Bless!

Sold! (You really are a good salesperson and wonderfully talented).