So, when I started this blog I wasn’t really sure where it was going or what I was doing. I had discovered blogs a few months prior and I felt like someone had breathed new life into my SLP world. It may sound crazy to you, or you may totally understand, but I know this blog is an answer to many, many prayers I have sent up needing an additional way to support myself and my son. Being a single mom on a teacher’s salary isn’t the easiest of all adventures. God answered me in the form of Crazy Speech World. I feel so blessed to have this platform to share my ideas and interact with others from all around the world. My gratitude to each person who has ever stumbled to one of my blog pages is not something I can even express adequately enough.
When I learned that Thrifty SLP nominated me for an Edublog Award, I was feeling excited and honored. When I found out she nominated me for a Lifetime Achievement Award, I was shocked. Me, next to Caroline Bowen? I must laugh out loud literally every single time I think about that. I can’t help but think that I definitely do not belong in the same category as her. I wish I had her knowledge base. I know that I have so, so, so much more to learn in this field. Nevertheless, I am so grateful that someone could even begin to think of me in that capacity.
On top of being nominated myself, Speechie Freebies, a blog I contribute to, was nominated as Best Group Blog! Our blog offers readers nothing but freeeeee materials! Please go vote for it!
Many of my SLP blogger buddies were nominated, so PLEASE go show your support for our profession and vote for them!
Lifetime Achievement:
Jenn Alcorn (That’s me! AGH!)
Caroline Bowen
Best Group Blog:
Speechie Freebies (yay!)
Best Individual Blog:
Playing With Words 365
PrAACtical AAC
Chapel Hill Snippets
If I Only Had Super Powers!
Speech Peeps
Speech Adventures
Best New Blog:
Rock Chalk Speech Talk
SLPs for Change
Speechy Musings
Best Resource Sharing Blog:
Speechy Musings
PrAACtical AAC
Best Teacher Blog:
Most Influential Blog Post of the Year:
Dear Teacher…Love Your SLP from Busy Bee Speech
Best Twitter Hashtag:
Best Educational Wiki:
Best Mobile App for Education:
Now…GO vote! And another shout out to AMY at Miss Thrifty SLP…girl, you rock!
Ann says
I am trying to find new ways of helping a child produce the /s/ and /z/ phonemes.
He has a wide tongue but I don’t think that is the problem. He is labeled as having a lateral lisp. However, it does not sound like a lisp. It does not sound like a /th/ at all.
What it sounds like is VERY “slushy”, as if he has too much saliva in his mouth. He swallows before he produces a wird with the /s/ or /z/ sounds but it doesn’t make any difference. I have tried everything that I have used in the past but nothing seems to help.
If anyone has ever come across this before or if you have any ideas, please help! I am out of ideas!
Thank you VERY much for and advice you can offer!