October is Fire Safety month and I am all about safety. I feel like this is a pretty important topic for our kids…as are any safety topics with our guys who have trouble communicating. I know they are hearing this stuff from their parents (hopefully) and their teachers, but I am covering it too…just to slam it home. Technically, October 6th-12th is Fire Safety (or Prevention) Week, but I think you can cover this stuff any time during the month OR the year. I went on a hunt to find lots of fun and FREE activities for us to use!
Last year I shared a post that included this preposition activity, that targets ‘in’ and ‘on’. My first graders LOVED it! You can read more about this activity AND another freebie HERE.
Next, I wanted something to focus on some safety WH questions with my pragmatic groups…these were good for problem solving and talking about what to do in real life situations. I paired them with a roll & cover activity that I created that will be a part of a new unit I am not quite done with yet. BUT, you can find the question cards picture above from Elementary Matters HERE and another cute game with WH questions by Laura Candler HERE. I didn’t get to use the second one (even though I printed and laminated it!), but it was a fun idea!
Next up, some iPad fun! I downloaded this free story app about Sparky, who is the National Fire Protection Association’s mascot-sort-of-deal for kids. He has his own homepage, as well as an online book, in addition to this app! I searched for other fun fire themed apps, but didn’t find much…did you find any cool ones???
Here is a shot of the online story projected on my whiteboard. We used both stories to talk about fire safety, plus I could incorporate some story retell and general language goals. You can read all about Sparky and find his cute activities HERE.Ok, so does your school have Reading A-Z??? OH EM GEE. My school got this last year about half way through and I just started really looking through. This is an amazing resource if your school has a subscription. I was able to find this non-fiction book about firefighters, at THREE different reading levels! I could use it for lots of different language groups and it was differentiated for me! Again, I took advantage of my fancy, new projection system to display it on my board for all to see. Can you tell I love it? I do. I love it. It rocks my therapy. If I got my hands on a SMART board, I might do a happy dance of epic proportions. That is next on my list. 🙂
One of the best parts of Reading A-Z is the included activities that are aligned with the stories. When you click on one, it has different ways to teach the objectives! LOVE! Clearly Reading A-Z also rocks my therapy.
BUT…nothing floats my therapy boat like a good craft. Hopefully you saw my post earlier this week with the articulation craft I did…campfires! It was fun! If you missed it, check out the details HERE.
And last but not least was my quote, which was from an old school fave, my boy (my bear? my bear boy?) Smokey The Bear. Most of the kids didn’t even know who he was…which made me feel old. Dun Dun Dun. One kid even called Smokey a pig. Jeez. Oh well, it was a TEACHING moment 🙂
Have you done any fun fire safety stuff with your kids this week? Please share!

LOVE your Smokey the Bear, and I am from New Mexico, which is where the original (and real) Smokey Bear was found. How were you able to project the story from the iPad onto the white board? I have an iPad (my own), and my room has an interactive white board, but I do not know how to use them together.
I have used an app called 2B Me Firefighter. It is not free, but the kids love it!