I am late to the party, getting my planning done, but I have pushed through a couple of more products that I knew I wanted to do for this week’s Superhero theme. Luckily (or not luckily at all!) I have been sick, so my weekend plans included sitting on the couch…giving me plenty of time to work on these! Happy to report, I am feeling MUCH better…just in time for school tomorrow 🙂
I have a TON of kids working on plurals and past tense verbs and another half ton of kids working on narratives, so I created these two downloads to target those skills!
Up first…Save the Sentences! These superheroes need some help with regular/irregular past tense verbs and regular/irregular plurals. I have included two levels to target each skills…one for your non-readers with pictures and one for your readers with sentences. Each card features a superhero (both male AND female) with a speech bubble containing the target. I also wrote the target skill on each card, to make staying organized a little bit easier.
This is an example of the Level 1 cards targeting irregular past tense verbs. I included the present tense of the word on the card…mostly just because I wanted to.
The Level 2 cards have a sentence with an underlined verb in the present tense and students will change it to past. There are 16 cards for each skill, at each level. So, 128 stimulus cards in total. I also added 8 bonus cards, 8 penalty cards, a game board, and an answer key.
Next is Super Story Dice! I’m so excited about this one, mostly because it will unleash the creative juices for my kids! It includes 7 dice templates (2 character dice, 2 settings dice, 2 problems dice, & a blank), graphic organizers, writing page, and a rubric. The dice are super easy to put together…just print, cut, fold, and glue!
I made one dice with males and one with females…so everyone is happy 🙂
There are two settings dice, one is common places and the other is famous landmarks.
And two problems dice…some are typical problems and some a super silly! To play, you will choose one of each kind of dice (character, setting, problem) and have your students roll them all to create their own original story. You can do this as an oral language activity, or use it to target writing.
There are two graphic organizers to help students create their story, one focuses on beginning, middle, and end and the other on first, next, then, and last.
Then there is this writing page, which also has a picture box for students to draw their ideas!
And finally, I included a rubric so that you can take data on your students story telling skills! You can use this to establish a baseline and progress monitor!
WHEW! What a weekend. I hope you guys like these new activities! You can find them in my TPT store:
Superhero Sentences: Past Tense & Plurals
Superhero Storytelling!
Feeling lucky? Leave me a comment that includes your email and I will pick two people to win one of these products tomorrow (9/3/13).
shines says
Well since I already bought Save the Sentences….I would LOVE to have the story telling dice!! 🙂 great products, can’t wait for my kids to use them this week! I think they are really going to love the theme!! 🙂
shines says
Uh I skipped over the part to leave my email 🙂
Carly says
I love these! Superheroes are so much fun. I have a lot of students working on grammar and story telling this year too~ so these would be perfect.
Thanks for the giveaway.
J Stewart says
I love all of your products!! Would love to have these so it will get me started on the right foot with the superhero theme!! 🙂
Anonymous says
My students love superhero activities! I would love to have either of these activities. I love that your Save the Sentences activity has cards for both readers and nonreaders, so it could be used with students who are lower functioning too.
Vicki says
We must share the same caseload! LOL These activities would be great for my students as they are working on very similar goals!
a fellow uconnian says
Love both of these for our superhero theme! Thanks for the giveaway!
Stephanie says
Love your theme and the ability to easily take baseline/progress data on storytelling! stephiek1984@yahoo.com
Anonymous says
I love your creativity! Everything you make is great! I love both of these items and would love to use with my kids! jennburroughs18@gmail.com
Sharon Schackmann says
These look great! I love the Dice game-great idea!! sharon.schackmann@gmail.com
Mary Cooper says
I have no idea how you find the time to provide us with such quality materials! you must not sleep! 🙂
Kristen Draper says
Love your site! I’m new to schools after 11 years in early childhood intervention, so I love seeing your ideas and therapy materials. I’m embracing the superhero theme as much as I can the first of the year, as it’s our schools “theme” this year! kmd1224@sbcglobal.net
Brittany Messerlie says
This is exactly what I need! So many of my kiddos are working on language including past tense, narratives, sequencing etc! The theme is good for girls and boys too!
Anonymous says
Thamk you for the giveaway. So glad that you are feeling better. Everyone loves superheros so it would be a great addition for the kiddos.
Anonymous says
Thank you for the giveaway! I love this activity pack. Can’t get enough themes 🙂
Beth Brown says
Another great product!
Anonymous says
I am consistently knocked over by the creativity and dedication of the Speech Blogger. You guys are truly gifted and I am thankful to be able to use your products with my students. The Superhero sentences is another goodie. Keep em coming! alewis725@msn.com
paunchyhippo says
mkkimbell21@gmail.com Thanks for the chance to win! You post such great stuff!
Liz's Speech Therapy Ideas says
I would love a chance to use these! My kiddos love superheroes. eahaider84@gmail.com
clnslp says
These activities both look fantastic! I am especially fond of the dice. I have so many kiddos that enjoy dice games of any kind. Thanks for a chance to win. Your activities are spectacular!! c_bisgard@yahoo.com
Amy Roberts says
Both of these look awesome! I have so many students struggling with irregular past tense and plurals. The Superhero Sentences would be perfect for them!
Speechercize and Gluten Free says
These both look like awesome activities (just like all of your activities). I have been looking for an activity to target story telling and been having some trouble finding anything. Plus the theme is great.
CC says
Of course I need to win this! It’s my theme and all! 🙂 🙂 🙂
superpowerspeech@ gmail dot com
Wendance Designs says
I love your superhero theme! The dice are adorable and the sentence activity looks great! Wendydawn @ rogers.com
1sparklleslp says
I’m pretty sure you are my superhero! Your materials are so creative and detailed, always! I’m following your theme therapy, but lucky for me I just started school, so I’ll be sure to be prepared as you post about new materials. Superheroes are up for me in a few weeks! Awesome!
alison austin says
i already have some superhero items that were on TPT… i would love to add this to my collection!!! :o)
Emily Weiss says
What little boy (on all our caseloads) doesn’t love a good superhero activity. Thanks for all the great games you put out for your fellow speechies! emily.weiss1@gmail.com
Sheila Giser says
What a wonderful activity! I also have many students targeting both irregular past tense and narratives. When working on narratives, I often provide the student with several key irregular past tense verbs to include in their story!
Kirsten Johnson says
That sounds so great! I am going to have to get myself a color printer so I can start printing all these wonderful activities. Especially verbs, they are so hard for my bilingual kids to grasp, and working in the Tampa area… there are a lot of Spanish speakers!
HeatherSG says
Great theme! I’m especially excited to try out the Story Dice.
Morgan says
I love that you included a rubric! Thanks! morganlwillis@gmail.com
Anonymous says
I love your products! I especially like the Super Hero Theme; my kiddos are big fans!
Roxanne Sterling says
These are amazing!! My kiddos loooooove the Super Heroes.
TaraAnspach says
New to your blog but have been following you on FB and your materials could do wonders for me as a clinical fellow in the schools! I am getting organized with my caseload and materials and have a lot of kids working on these same goals.
The little guys on my caseload wear superhero stuff almost everyday!!
Isabel Martinez says
Gah! I would love to add this to my collection. I adore how your materials are so often appropriate for not only boys but the older kids on the caseload. Thank you for the freebie!!
Go Noles!
Jennifer Getch says
This looks so awesome!! I am always working on these target areas! Hope I win!
salbear says
Love the theme. Love the grammar activities. Love the language opportunities.
Well done! sbearry@upsmailbox.net
Marisa says
Would love to win one to use during my graduate school internship 🙂
Cindy L Meester says
Another great activity! Love all your creativity.
Marya A says
I love this activity and just put it on my wish list:). I have a couple of groups that would benefit from this activity and enjoy it!
Jordan Bubis says
Love it! 🙂 Thanks for sharing and the giveaway opportunity! jrbubis@yahoo.com
Kings says
Great ideas! GatorKingFamily@gmail.com
Anonymous says
i know some little boys who might just like this. ツ
Valerie says
This would be great for a bunch of kids on my caseload. valerie_morgan@hotmail.com
Sara Hitt says
I love all of your stuff and am also a Florida State girl 🙂 My email is sara.hitt01@gmail.com
SLP Gone Wild says
Contest over! Random.org picked numbers 2 and 3….Congrats to Carly and J Stewart!
Martin Legault says
Hi Jen,
I’d like to start by saying that your blog looks great. My name is Martin and I’m a teacher from Canada. I just started a new website called Resources4teaching where educators can buy and sell lessons and educational resources. We are new and are looking for people to join and put up their materials for sale on our website. We are having an iPad draw for the first 100 Vendors who join and upload at least 1 lesson /resource for sale on our website. There are absolutely no fees to join and you earn royalties of 70%. You can visit us at: http://www.resources4teaching.com
If you know any other teachers who might be interested in this Website, please forward this to them and if you have any questions, feel free to message me.
Have a great day
The Elementary Professor says
Looks fun and engaging!