I have many, many, MANY baskets in my room…most of which are the cheap-o, not so pretty ones from the Dollar Tree. Now, there is no shame in my game…I have used these baskets for a few years and left them blue. I even contemplated spray painting. But I hate spray paint. Mostly cause it always gets on my toes. Plus you have to do it outside and it’s H-O-T. So I was perusing Pinterest for other ideas and found this tutorial. Bingo!
So I went fabric shopping! I knew I needed some anyway for bulletin boards, so I picked up these three. Greens, grays, and chevron. Surprise, surprise.
I decided to go with the green patterned fabric for most of my baskets, but I also did a couple in chevron. You also need spray adhesive (I used Elmer’s) and scissors. If you are a very precise person, a ruler. I am not, so no ruler for me.
You have to cut the fabric big enough to cover the basket, so I made lots of squares to cover all my baskets. Then, you get all crazy with the spray glue. My hands were covered in that stuff…so lesson to you guys…wear gloves. You’ll thank me, I promise.
Check out the final product!!! I LOVE THEM! And it really was so easy! I got all my baskets done in a couple of hours!
And here they are holding all my books!
What do you think? Do you have any baskets in your speech room that you could do this DIY project with????

Super cute!!! I am very impressed 🙂
Those baskets look so great!!! Now I want to cover my old baskets too!
One of my Kindergarten teachers did this and put the baskets on the tables in her room. sooo cute!
Love your decorating skills – all very cute – would love to see your entire room and how you’ve set it up – I share my office with several OT and SLPs so it can get a bit tight in here – always looking for new ways to revamp our space.
Thanks for sharing all your ideas