We all have them…the kids who wiggle and dance and touch everything you have. I love them. Most days. I usually try to keep some fidgets around, but each year I have some that walk away. They are not the most inexpensive items to buy, so when I saw some floating around on Pinterest that I could make myself, I was stoked!
Here is are the materials I used. I had those little party PlayDoh packs, so I took a couple in the color I don’t like (I have a strong distaste for orange…). I also grabbed some rice from my pantry and a few balloons. I just had these. I don’t know why, but it worked out perfectly. You could also use dry beans.
Then, I filled them up! It was a bit of a challenge to do this by myself, cause you have to hold the ballon open and fill it. The PlayDoh was hard. The first one was super messy and I was like, what in the world have I gotten myself into, this is not going to work, OMG, the dreaded Pinterest Fail. But I figured it out 🙂
I’m super excited to have these this year! I like having the two different textures and both are super squishy. I like that they are inexpensive, cause if these walk away, I can totally make more. And yes, I know I need a manicure…it’s on my to-do list this week 😉
Please be aware of any latex and/or food allergies your students may have if you do this project.
Do you use fidgets in your room? Have you ever made your own?

I love these things and really should make some soon!!!
We made this all the time for my campers when I worked at a summer camp!! We used flour instead of rice, but both work well. Kids love them!
Home Sweet Speech Room
What a great idea! I’m passing this on to my preschool teacher!