Dear Motivation,
You left me on June 5, as soon as I packed up my car and drove out of the school parking lot. I’m not sure where you are, but I need some help…I threw all of my stuff in this small corner and it’s an eyesore. It is a mess and I need to get organized! Every time I walk by, I just shake my head and think “I need to tackle that.”…but I just keep walking by. Can you see all the randomness??? From Playdoh to a picture frame…complete and total disaster! Oh, and by the way, I have NO problem adding to the pile…
I love shopping AND deals, so when I find anything that I think I could twist into a therapy material, I will do it. And with a smile on my face. So then my pile gets bigger!
Also, Motivation, there is this bad boy…who is shiny and brand new…and I avoid it. There are tons of unfinished documents and ideas waiting here. Why do I stay away? Take one guess…
Cause I’m hanging out here. Isn’t it gorgeous? It’s my favorite place. So I spend days on the beach or at the pool, and nights on the couch watching horrible, rot my brain T.V. shows, like Big Brother…it’s like a car accident, I can’t look away!
So, Mr. Motivation, wherever you are….I need you back. At least by August. So I can finish my very, very long to-do list 🙂

My motivation hits the day I walk in the door when teachers have to report back and not a minute before then.
Lol, Elaine, that is probably true for many! I just had so much I wanted to accomplish!
This post made me laugh! I can completely relate AND I don’t live by a beach…how DO you do it?-lol!
Allison’s Speech Peeps
I am so glad! Lol I don’t do it, that’s the whole problem! 🙂
I totally have the same problem! Although I would also love to have a beach to procrastinate on. 🙂
It’s a pretty great place to avoid life 🙂
I don’t have a pool (except a kiddie one) and I hate the beach (I’m a sensory mess…the OTs have a field day with me!) and I STILL haven’t gotten much done! I keep hearing that educators need the summers to rejuvenate. I guess that’s true!
BTW, I love the “look” of the beach…If I could just find one that doesn’t have sand, I’ll be all set!
oh Carrie! That made me laugh out loud 🙂 And we definitely need to rejuvenate!
🙂 Fortunately for me, my son’s the same way (even hates his sandbox), so he never asks me to bring him…I would totally suck it up and go if he did though!
What I have found for myself is that usually after I’ve had enough down time, one day motivation will just hit me. I’ve learned to just go with it because it always comes back at some point. It’s the body’s way of saying, “switch it up a little.” Hope that helps and that you and Mr. Moto (vation) will catch up soon!