I’ve got an app review for you guys today that is a little different than anything I’ve ever done! Super excited to share with you! Brian emailed me and asked if I was interested in his new app, SlowTunes, which he created for his daughter…she has Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS) and loves to sing! Of course I was….I love to sing to 🙂 I was given a free copy of this app to review & one to giveaway, but the opinions are all mine!SlowTunes is exactly what it’s name implies…it is designed to slow down music on your iPod, iPhone, and iPad (optimized for iPhone 5). But…it doesn’t change the pitch! No chipmunk voices or creepy slow motion voice. The music and vocalist sound the same, just slower. How awesome is that for the population we serve???? Let’s check it out on my iPhone…
The first time I opened SlowTunes, this was the screen I saw…but no worries, hit that plus sign at the bottom of the screen…
And up pops your music library! Sweet! You can choose which songs you want to add to SlowTunes…tap as many as you like!
Your settings are also at the bottom of the main page, which is where you can adjust the speeds for Slower and Slowest for each song.
If you want to adjust the definitions, you tap them and you can choose to slow the song by up to 50%, at 5% increments. Now you are ready to rock!
I chose Miranda Lambert (I love her) and as you can see at the bottom there are three buttons for Slowest, Slower, and Normal. You can choose the speed at which the song is played. You can also skip, go back, or pause the song.
I think this app is awesome! For kids or adults or in between…I can think of many populations who can benefit from this, not just those with CAS. You can find it in the iTunes Store for $1.99
Brian was kind enough to offer another free copy to a lucky winner! You can enter via the Rafflecopter below and good luck!

I would also use this for students who stutter! What a great app!
Wow! Thanks so much for the app review. It’s always so helpful to have someone rate the app and preview it before I have to make the decision to buy it. Looks like a fun app, especially for my “little ones”.
This sounds great! I am always looking for music for language delayed kiddos, but have a hard time finding music that is slow enough for them to sing along to. So many children love music. Can’t wait to try this one!
I have a student with Downs who loves music, but usually the songs go way too fast for him to learn the words- I want to try Slow Tunes with this student for connected speech while singing.
I think this would be good for targeting speech, language, fluency, etc! Looks like a great & useful app! Thanks for taking the time to review it for us!
Looks great! I work with many children I could use this with.
I would love to use this with students with severe phonological disorders or CAS. Thanks for the giveaway. Reshella Leary rdgwv@yahoo.com
Sounds like an interesting app! It would probably be useful working with children working on fluency.