Welp. We walked them out to the buses and cars and blew kisses and waved and sang them all off. Another year completed. Some of their faces have huge grins and some a few tears. All full of happy memories. I find myself choked up thinking about how much they have grown this year. Why are goodbyes so hard??? I know I will see most of them again. But some are moving on to high school…and I have been working with them since they were in 3rd grade. And there are those few that you know will not come back…and you will always wonder about them. I feel so lucky to be in this place. There are so many trials and tribulations of working in a school, and unless you work there, you could never understand. But at the end of the day I am there for the kids. And I love them with all of my heart and want to see them succeed and shine and become the people I know they are capable of becoming. I get to change the lives of children. How lucky am I?
So I pack up all my stuff and leave and people think I am so lucky to ‘be off for 2 months’. But I carry those little faces with me. And I will spend my summer enjoying some time with my family and a vacation or two. But I will also be planning how I can make next year even more awesome. How I can do a better job. How I will make their lives better. And I can’t wait.

I couldn’t have said it better myself! ~ Kim, SLP
I actually had tears this year when I sent my little ones off! As educators, we never really stop working, do we?
Allison’s Speech Peeps
The end of the school year is so bittersweet! I know last year it was even more so for me as I was moving and would not see my babies again…but I still think of them and wonder, hope and pray they are becoming the little human beings God made them to be! The attachment, the caring, the worry, the stress, all comes with the job, but like you said…if you’ve never worked it, you’ve never felt it. Enjoy your 2 months off…b/c the beginning of the school year comes fast and before you know it, you’ll be back running up and down those hallways again! Happy summer to you!