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A couple of days ago I posted a question to my Facebook page about your favorite therapy games…and I got a TON of great responses. I have ordered quite a few and am excited to get them! But I did notice that one of MY favorites wasn’t mentioned much…and so of course I feel inclined to share with you guys a super awesome language game that I love…BLURT! Blurt! is a board game that is for ages 7 and up, and you can play with 3 to 12 players (if you use teams, 6 if playing individually). The general premise of the game is to identify words by definition…hello vocabulary and word recall!
All players take turns rolling the dice, and the dealer reads a clue that corresponds with the number rolled. The first person to answer with the correct word first, gets to move the number on the dice.
The clue cards have two sides. I usually always use the green, blue, purple side for my kids (it’s easier).
But there are more challenging words on the other side!
This game is fabulous for building vocabulary skills and word retrieval, but I also use if for artic and fluency carryover. They can take turns being the clue giver, and for some I read all the clues. It just depends on your group and what you need to target. My kids love it! They get so into it!
Check it out over at Amazon…
Do you even use Blurt!? I would love to hear what you think about it!
P.S. Make sure to follow me on Facebook so you can keep up with these great threads! I got some awesome suggestions! You can ‘like’ me to get all the updates by clicking HERE 🙂

Love to use Blurt! It’s a great game for building vocabulary. My speechies all love to play it. I have an older version from when my daughters were smaller (my oldest is now 31!)so I may have to look into getting a newer version.
We have Blurt as well! Love to use it, but sadly have no one to use it with right now 🙁 Looking forward to bringing it back out (hopefully in the near future)
I enjoy using Blurt with my students. I ordered it a few months ago from Amazon and my students have loved it! They love the element of competition and I love that they are learning lots of new vocabulary. I also love the two different levels which allow me to use this game with several different grade levels.
Blurt is also one of my favorites, however, I lost it to a middle school resource teacher- who uses it much more than did! I picked it up at Goodwill for 50 cents!
I also use Blurt in my sessions with grades 2-3-4. The kids love it! It’s great for vocabulary!
I love Blurt!! My kids SCREAM out the words trying to beat each other. My version must be an older one because yours looks cooler!
Thanks for the suggestions! I need some new games for next year!
– Sasha
The Autism Helper