SO, I have some new projects up my sleeve that I will get to share soon, but it has put me in a position that I don’t have as much time to work on materials. I haven’t made anything for February or March except my Old Lady Rose and Old Lady Clover packets. This gives me anxiety cause I usually have more stuff ready for holidays! Over the weekend I started freaking out about my lack of time and starting checking out PediaStaff’s Pinterest boards for Groundhog Day, which is up next on my Theme Calendar. (P.S. If you don’t follow PediaStaff, you are missing out!) I found TONS of good stuff and combined it with my ability to come up with therapy activities involving scissors slash glue and VOILA! Groundhog week is go for launch! Today I am going to share my artic activities with you….
Up first…Artic Predict! I found b&w pics of clouds and suns, which I copied to blue & yellow construction paper. Did you know you can run construction paper through a printer? I do it all the time. Perhaps it is against copy machine law, but I am oblivious to such things. I also found this free groundhog printable and then I made up a sheet that said “I predict the Groundhog __________” and cut it into strips.
Then I let the kids make their predictions…based on their prediction, that was the graphic they used! If they predicted the groundhog would see his shadow, they got suns and if they thought he wouldn’t, they got clouds. They wrote (or glued pics) of speech words onto them and glued it all to the green page with their groundhog and prediction. It was really fun to talk about these things with them and was sort of a change up in how we roll.
This is Grover (thanks, kinders!) our speech groundhog! He is helping us with games and artic cards this week.
I know what you are thinking…here she goes again with the wipes container. But this one is cute and simple and super easy! All you need is the container, long green construction paper (I think mine is 12×19), and a pic of a groundhog (missing from my lovely photo…oops!).
ALL you have to do is wrap the construction paper around the container (take the lid off) and stuff it in the opening. I added one piece of tape at the bottom, but that was it! Then I taped the groundhog on with one piece stuck to his back. BAM! I like it looking bumpy and not perfect since it is supposed to be the groundhog’s hole in ground. We dumped artic cards in here to draw, and when we play SRN’s open ended groundhog game, I will put the cards they draw in here. It didn’t get much action today since I mostly did my craft above, but it was sitting on my table all day and my kids thought it was cool and were ready to stick their hands in! Lol
Hope you enjoy these ideas and maybe they spark something that you might do in your speech room! Check back tomorrow to hear what groundhoggy things I am doing with my language groups this week!
Don’t forget to tell me what you think! And are you doing any groundhog themed activities this week?

You seriously have the best craft ideas EVER! I’ve already come up with some of my own ideas for this week, but I’ll have to file these ideas away for next year! (Very helpful as a 1st year SLP!) Thanks!!
Aw thanks Whitney! I am so glad to hear that š
Thanks so much for the Shout out!! xxx ooo!
You’re welcome! I don’t know where I would be with your boards! They are seriously the BEST, so thank YOU! š