I plan on creating a unit to go with each of the “There Was An Old Lady…” books, so this is my next installment! This one is a little different, as it is a Cold Lady instead of an Old Lady, but the kids think it is fun all the same! I also ended up buying this one on Amazon for my iPad, so it will be a change of pace using that instead of the actual book. I will let you know how it goes! But until then…here is the language packet I created to go with “There Was A Cold Lady Who Swallowed Some Snow!”
I created several activities to go with this one, some similar to my last download and some are new ideas!
- 8 vocabulary cards. You can use these for vocabulary concepts, retell, describing, sentence construction, etc.
- A sorting mat you can use for sequencing. Students will sort the pictures or the words, depending on their goals or levels. I have used these with velcro, and students attach the correct picture/word in sequence. I have also given each student their own page and they cut and paste the targets in the correct order. It works well either way! This is great to work on sequencing, transition phrases, retell, and sentence structure…just to name a few!
- Snowball sort to target nouns and verbs. You will put all the snowballs in a pile and students will take turns choosing one and deciding if it is a noun or verb. I included 16 nouns and verbs from the story, as well as 16 blank snowballs. Once they are sorted, students can draw two and make a sentence with the words. Great for syntax goals!
Also in the download is an open ended game board, which you use with the story or without! - A 10 page mini book that you can target sequencing, retell, and vocabulary with! For each page, students will draw a picture and name the target vocabulary word for each of the items the Cold Lady swallowed. Cut all the pages apart and staple together as a book! The kids have their own story to take home and retell 🙂
- Story writing page, which was also in my last “Old Lady” download (I did change the graphic and starter sentence). Students can make up their own story and draw a picture about their own cold lady!
- Venn Diagram to compare and contrast this story to others in the series. This was also in my last download, but I just really like using these!
This book has tons of /s/ and /s/ blends to target, as well as lots of /l, r, k, t/ words! It’s also a great winter themed story for those of you that cannot use holiday themed activities this time of year. The repetitive language is so great for our language impaired kiddos, and there is really no better stories to work on sequencing! Warning…the story does use the word ‘barf’…she doesn’t do it, but it says she ‘tried not to’.
I plan on using this story with my other snowmen language activities, which you can take a look at here.
That’s all she wrote! I hope you like this one too 🙂 It is available in my TPT store!
Don’t forget to tell me what you think!

Once again, I am amazed at your creativity. What an awesome activity. I would be able to do this activity with ALL my students – Pre-K to Older Elementary. Maybe not all the activities for each student – but it’d definitely work with all of them. Nicely done!
Thank you Mary!! I try to create stuff that can be used across the ages so we can get tons of use out it. Glad to hear that you think it could be done with this one 🙂
I’m using this book for my students this week. Mine are just boring Boardmaker pictures though!
It took me awhile to come around to liking the “Old Lady” books- but my kiddos can’t get enough of her! This is great.
Let’s Talk Speech Therapy
adorable!!! I especially love the little book!
Thank you so so so so much for posting this. It is exactly what I am looking for, for a winter demo lesson.