Today I wasn’t feeling so hot, but I have a fabulous practicum student from FSU working with me on Fridays, so she was a huge help. When we were pulling games for the afternoon groups, I pulled out two of my faves and she wasn’t familiar…and I thought…could it be that there are speechies who don’t know about the super awesome Chipper Chat games from Super Duper?!?!
Artic Chipper Chat is one that I bought fresh out of grad school and it has saved me in many a session. It covers /s, l, r, ch, sh, th, k, g, f/ and /s, r, l/ blends! It is really engaging with the magnetic chips and the famous magic wand! You can work on so many sounds at once, which makes it ideal for group sessions. You can play many different ways…
- Use the included artic cards for the students to practice at the word or sentence level to earn chips
- Play I spy to earn chips
- Have the students roll the dice and find that many pictures to name to earn chips
- Use as a language game to work on vocabulary
The other one I have is Grammar Chipper Chat. I bought this one a couple of years ago, knowing how much the kids like the artic version but needing something for grammar goals. This thing is amazing…it targets 16 grammatical structures. It also comes with the game boards that have all different animals on them…I use these without the grammar cards sometimes! It works really well for collecting data to monitor progress for specific goals.
I know there are few other versions of Chipper Chat that Super Duper sells…do you have any? Do you find that these are excellent additions to your therapy room like I do?

I have the WH question one and love it! My kids think the magnetic wands are really magical. Lol I need the artic one!
Busy Bee Speech
Lol, I need the WH one!!! My kids too…it’s hilarious how much they like those things!
I love the chipper chat! My kids don’t realize it but they get the green and blue chips when their response was accurate and red and purple when inaccurate making it easy for me to identify a percentage for assessment ease.
OMG, Paula, that is genius!!!!
I agree, that is genius!
Truly genius…and simple at the same time! Do you omit the dice from the game and just give 1 or 2 chips/turn??
I love it too..worth every penny!! I have had the artic one for awhile..used it a ton and this year got the seasons one..has pic cards for every season/ holiday and the kids love this can be used with any target …I want the grammer one now..these things are gold!. A must have for any SLP!!!
I love the Artic chipper chat so I recently bought the vocabulary chipper chat and its just as amazing!! Analogies, figurative language, similarities and differences, synonyms and antonyms, functions, associations, and more!!
I would buy them all if I could lol! I like the Say&Do Grammar Game Boards as well, the kids love trying to beat me to the finish and it’s so good for kids who need the delayed model (I go when I have a turn to show them how to do it). It also switches it up a bit from the chipperchat.
Chipper chat = a staple in my speech room. The kids love the magnetic wand, which is also a great way to discuss magnets. (Have to pre-teach for them, right?) 😉
Talking With Rebecca
Love these games! The funny thing is, I have a lot of young kids (under 4) that get a kick out of just putting the chips on the floor. They listen for “ready, set, go” and slap the wand down and pick up a bunch of chips. It’s quite amusing!