I was so happy about all the positive feedback that we got on the Spanish version of Winter Bingo, that Becky and I decided to move forward with doing more activities for bilingual therapists. I am here to share our first big project, which I just posted the English version of yesterday…All Aboard, the Language Train…But, here is the Spanish version!!!The activity is the same as the English version, except for 2 changes: it targets 4 subjective pronouns (instead of 5) and has one less train to target comparatives/superlatives. Based on the feedback I got, you guys need both languages for the activities, so included in the download are both the Spanish version AND the English version of the activities!
This is available in my TPT store! I hope you guys find it useful and a little bit of fun 🙂 Please let me know what you think!!! I am always open to suggestions!

It’s been added to my wishlist! Thanks!
Yay! Thanks you 🙂
How did you know that I was planning a unit on The Little Engine the Could with both my English and Spanish speaking kiddos shortly after the break?!?
Thanks so much!
Added to my wish list! Thank you SOOOO much! So excited to see all the new bilingual therapy.