I love it when I can read someone’s writing and their personality and sense of humor shine through…it is not an easy feat, but Erik X. Raj does this quite easily. I love reading his blog and when he emailed me with a copy of his new app, Multiple Choice Articulation, I was so excited! I am gonna give you guys a peek and an opportunity to win…keep reading! Multiple Choice Articulation is designed to target 7 different phonemes, /s, z, r, l, sh, ch, th/, as well as /s, r, l/ blends.
When you choose your target phoneme, you are taken to this screen where you choose the position you want to work on.
Then up pops a sound loaded stimulus question! There are super engaging and silly questions that the student can answer! You have the option of the app reading you the question AND the option of hearing an answer. The answers are also sound loaded.
Here’s what I love:
- Great for carryover of articulation skills to the sentence and conversation level.
- Totally engaging! My students thought these questions were hilarious and all wanted to give their 2 cents…which means more speech practice!
- I love that there is an option to read the question to the students for our non-readers!
- Answers are included…you can have your students give their thoughts, then listen to the answer from the app, which can start a whole new discussion!
- Works on iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad!
What I would love to see in updates:
- More sounds! This apps hits the most frequent sound errors on my caseload, but I would like to have more.
- The option to work on more than one position for each phoneme at once.
There isn’t a data collection option for this app, but I am not sure how one would work with this anyway…it is more to elicit conversational speech, which would mean lots of sound productions…so I’m not sure the +/- option would really work because each students’ response will vary. I’m ok with the fact that it does not have data collection, but I’m sure there are folks who would like that option.
Overall, I really like it and I think this is a great addition to my app collection! You can download it in the iTunes Store for $9.99, but you can also win a copy here…just enter via the Rafflecopter below! Goodluck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I was provided with a copy of this app to review and one to giveaway, but the opinions in the post are mine.

I am a big fan of Articulate It. Thanks for this opportunity!
Articultion Station Pro
Articulation Station Pro
Articulation Station Pro
I like Articulation Station, but some of my students are ready for something different!
I have Articulate It.
Articulation Station!
I have Articulate It, but Multiple Choice would be a fantastic option for my older students!
Articulation Station
Articulation Station
Articulation Station!
So far articulation station!
Articulation station looks like a good one. I am trying to get my district to buy it for me.
I don’t have too many arctic apps, but I do have Match2Say!
Articulation station-I only have the freebie though. Trying to get my co-op to buy the full version!
Artic station pro
So far, Articulation Station. -Cassandra
I love Phonics Studio. Mostly because it is FREE!!
My favorite artic app is Articulation Station and Articulation Scenes for higher level story telling artic activities.
This app looks great!
Phonics Station