I had a couple of people tell me that they were looking for more generic type games for the season, so I hopped on that idea and rode it to this post. I know there are lots of us who have mixed groups, working on all different objectives and we need blanket activities to pull out. Cue Candy Land. But, I thought I would put together a pack of activities for just this thing that will cover the upcoming season…I did two card games and two board games!
- Bake Off! Collect as many cookies as you can to accumulate points…but watch out for the bitten cookie! You will lose your turn. Whoever has the most points at the end is the winner! There are 52 cards in all.
- Gingerbread Run is a game board, you just have to add your dice and game pieces!
- Snowman Battle! is similar to the cookie game…students will collect snowmen points, with there being sun penalty cards.
- Snowman Challenge is another open ended board game. Make it to the finished snowman to win the game!
I hope this will help you with those mixed groups and add a little winter themed fun too! These are available in a bundle in my TPT store!

great! what program did you use to create Bake Off! cards???
I use Pages 🙂