So I have the first of my December downloads ready to go for you guys! Round 1 goes to the snowmen….cause what else gets you in the winter mood?! Wellllll, I actually know nothing about snow. It snowed once in Florida when I was 8 and it actually stuck to the ground, we measured at one whole inch! We kept a snowball in our freezer for who knows how long. Everyone talks about “that time in 1989” Lol. We get flurries every other year or so, but other than these…I’m a snow virgin. I don’t even really like the thought of it because I don’t like to be cold. But I’m sure it’s as beautiful and magical as everyone describes 🙂 Anyways…back to it…Snowmen Language!
I tried to do some things in this download that I haven’t done before. The first activity is for building vocabulary based on winter…
- Snowmen Bingo! I did 4 sets of bingo cards with winter vocabulary, 4 sets with pictures, and I also included 2 blank bingo boards. There are 12 calling cards with definitions. This would be a great review game for the end of a session when you have been working on winter words. My idea is to read the definitions and the students have to name the correct vocabulary words, then mark it off on their board. You can do 3 in a row, 4 corners, or a blackout game! If using the blank boards, you can discuss all the words first, then have them write the words themselves on their boards. Or you can come up with your own list of words to play with!
- Analogies! There are 28 cards with various types of analogies. You can put all the cards in a pile and students take turns drawing a card, reading the stim and filling in the blank with the correct word. You can spend time discussing possible options and word relationships!
- Last is a snowman building game targeting verbs! Each student will get a placemat like the one above with all the snowman pieces. The 40 stimulus cards are fill in the blanks for verbs. There are many possible answers for many of the cards, which is great for discussion! The object of the game is to get one card with every piece on their placemat. All the stimulus cards will go in one pile, face down. Students will take turns drawing a card and filling in the blank. If they needed the piece for their snowman, they keep it on their mat. If not, it goes back in the pile. Whoever gets all their pieces first wins!
This is available in my TPT Store!
Don’t forget to leave me a comment about these activities and tell me about your favorite snowman story!

This is adorable!! Let me know if you want to trade anything on my TpT store for this! 🙂