I loved, loved, LOVED making the Wild Things activities so much that I knew this was gonna be my new favorite thing. So when I started looking around what my books for December were going to be and plan a new unit, I had a hard time choosing! But I found a winner…
I have many favorite winter/holiday books, but one of my son’s favorites was alway Bear Stays Up for Christmas…I actually had to dig it out of his room! This is a very cute story about Bear and his friends preparing for Christmas…but he’s so sleepy! This book has others in it’s series, which are all great additions to anyone’s library, I have a two of them. I am just as excited to share this unit with you guys as I was the last…Check it out!!!
With this unit I created 3 card sets, 3 graphic organizers, one game board and 3 articulation word lists! Let’s take a closer look…
- 24 cards to target rhyming words, all of which come from the story. Students or teacher will read the word pair and decide if the words rhyme or not. I also included foil word pairs.
- 24 words to target synonyms. These are based on the Tier 2 vocabulary from the story. You can do matching, Go Fish, or memory!
- 24 comprehension question cards that go with the story. The first twelve are basic who, what, when, where, why, and how questions. The second set includes questions that are based on details from the story.
- WH questions Graphic Organizer. Students can fill in the basic who, what, when, and what questions about the story.
- Story retell organizer is for students working on retell using beginning, middle, and end.
- Vocabulary word map for identifying, labeling and drawing forest animals, which ties to the setting and characters of the story.
- Open ended board game, which you can use with the synonyms, comprehension, and rhyming cards OR with your own target.
- /s, r, l/ articulation words from the story and organized them by position at the word level. You can use these as check lists, drill or with the game board.Whew! I hope you guys like it! You can find this available in my TPT Store!

Super cute Jenn! I really like these themes related to books.
This is one of my favorites too! Thanks fir the great activities!!
This is one of my favorites too! Thanks fir the great activities!!
This is one of my favorites too! Thanks fir the great activities!!