I’m not sure if I came up with this on my own (I’d like to think so) or if I saw it somewhere (more likely!), but I have been doing it for so long that I know one thing for sure…it is an AWESOME therapy tool. I use stories weekly in my therapy and I always try to have graphics from the story so that we can do some sort of retell and/or sequencing. And that’s where story stick was born…
Now you may be asking…what in the world is she talking about? Don’t worry, I will explain! Above is an example of a one of the ones that I have in my room. Basically it is a long stick that hangs sticks to my whiteboard, covered in velcro. When I have graphics for a book, I attached velcro to the backs of those…like this weeks story There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed a Pie.
I have all of the pictures in a baggy, so that after we read the story, students can hold it and sequence each piece, then retell! It’s perfect! Can I also tell you that this is SO easy to do…
All you need is a ruler or paint stick (I have one of each). Since I am me, I had to cover it in paper…of course that isn’t a necessary step. Then, you cut a piece of velcro to cover one side. I also add a magnet to the back so it will sit on the whiteboard.
What do you think? Do you use anything like this is your therapy room?

I’ve seen this idea on Pinterest. I’ve done something similar to this using a paint stick as a visual schedule for some of my kiddos. I put our schedule on there and they pull each picture off as we finish that activity. You can also paint the paint sticks instead of covering them in paper!
I’ve seen the visual schedule one, but I’ve never tried it! You could def paint it, too!
Jenn I LOVE IT!!! Off to share on my FB! You have such great ideas!
Thank you!!!!!
I know a lot of people who do this, and I’ve always wanted to! I’ve been aiming to get to the paint store to get some paint sticks, but I love your idea about using a ruler! I may just have to do that instead. Thanks, Jenn! 🙂
You’re welcome! I always have extra rulers…I pretty much never enter the paint store lol.
I’ve been using the paint stick (without the pretty paper) as a story stick for a few years now. Great for sequencing!!
It’s a great tool! Even without pretty paper 🙂
I love this idea! I will definitely use it!
This would be great in our kids yoga classes to help with sequencing postures and storytelling! Thanks !
It definitely would! You’re welcome 🙂
Another great idea. I can’t wait to try it out. Thanks again.
AWESOME idea! I also do MANY stories in therapy and love using hands-on techniques to keep my kiddos engaged. I love this idea and can’t wait to start making some visuals to accompany my books for August! Thanks so much!