I have to share a couple of the activities I did last week during Football Week! We had such a great time and I only got a few groans from some of my girls when I introduced the theme…but I’m pleased to report that they did end up having fun too 🙂
First activity we did…football artic pages!
I made the field and footballs on construction paper…. and here is a time saving tip: Draw your design on white paper and use your copy machine to run the construction paper copies (if it can handle it). This saves TONS of time. I drew one touchdown page and one page of footballs, then copied on to brown and green construction paper. I gave each student 5 footballs to cut out and write one speech word on, then they glued onto their page. While they were doing this activity, I got tons of practice in with each student as they took turns drilling individually. It was awesome! They took this page home with them as carryover practice!
Next activity was language based…but I also used for some of my artic and fluency kiddos.
Since there is such a push for use of non-fiction books, I found this in my son’s room and thought it was perfect for therapy! I bought this for him a few years back and he loved it, so I knew some of my students would, too. It is full of facts, biographies, vocabulary, and how-to’s. Here are some of the activities I did with it:
- Find two players’ bios to compare/contrast
- Work on retell by explaining the steps different of plays and rules
- Complete graphic organizers for vocabulary
- Conversation starters with fun facts
- Use fluency strategies while reading/retelling
- Articulation during oral reading and/or retell
- Hunt for specific parts of speech…nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, etc.
I could go on and on, but you see what I mean. This was the only book I used this week and I was very pleased with the kids’ response.
Of course, I also used my own activities, you can download this freebie HERE and find the other activities in my TPT Store. They LOVED the board game and I was able to use the cards with it, as well as without it!
I also found a couple of great freebies on other blogs…
- Speech Room News’ “Down the Field”, an open-ended board game.
- Let’s Talk Speech-Language Pathology’s “Football Frenzy”, for WH questions.
What do you think? Would you use any of these activities in your therapy room?

Yes! I would totally use those activities! In fact, I was just sitting here thinking I wanted to created an LSU football game for my students! Awesome ideas!!
Yay! So happy to hear that 🙂