I made a football game board and 24 yes/no question comprehension cards! All you need to play is dice and game pieces. You can use them together or separately!
Just read the question, have your students answer and tell why, then move on the game board…quick and easy, just how I like it 🙂 You can use the cards for
- listening comprehension
- answering questions
- sentence structure
- making judgments
- reasoning
Download this freebie HERE.
Make sure you leave me a comment and let me know what you think! Do you love football too? I’d love to hear who you will be rooting for this season!

love it!! cannot wait to use this!
Yay! Thanks Miss Speechie!
Thanks! This will be a BIG hit at my school in Texas! Great graphics and idea!
Oh, How Pintearesting!
You’re welcome! I hope they love it 🙂 Thank you!
Cute game! Thank you for sharing it! I’m personally not a football fan but the district where I teach is a big football community, so I know the kids will love this one!
Thank you! I hope they enjoy it 🙂
Thanks for the freebie – this is super cute! I love sports themed activities! This will be perfect for me kids 🙂
– Sasha
The Autism Helper
You’re welcome, I am glad you like it! Be on the lookout for the rest of the football activities 🙂
Very cute! I usually do a sports theme in January and answering questions is always a top IEP goal for the kiddos on my caseload!
Thanks! Glad you can use it 🙂
This is so cute!!! I can’t wait to use it!!!! Oh football season is inspiring so many great language activities!!!!
Thank you! I hope your kiddos like it too 🙂
Thanks for the freebie! My football lovin boys will eat this up! By the way, how were you able to share the file on dropbox? 🙂
You’re welcome! If you go to your account on their website you can share links now. Much better than google docs!
Thanks, football is big here in Baltimore right now. This will get my students even more pumped up for the super bowl.
Love the football theme. I can’t wait to use it next week and especially next football season.
Thanks so much for sharing this – it looks great!
Super freebie just in time for Super Bowl Mania! Thanks for sharing.
Hi, this is great, but mine printed in pink tones. I tried on two different printers this the same result. Thank you for sharing the activity!
Hmmmm, not sure why it is printing in pink tones…I haven’t had any issue printing it and haven’t heard of anyone else having one either. Maybe try a different computer? I’m sorry!
I LOVE that you live in the Greater Jacksonville area. Secretly (in a non-creepy way, lol) hoping I run into you somewhere around town to thank you for all you do. 🙂 Thank you for the freebie!! 🙂