I am doing a quick presentation on Monday for the SLPs in my district on Common Core and I am sharing resources I have found to be helpful…I made a little reference sheet for them that I thought I would share with you guys too!
My intention is for this to be a working file that I can add too as I find things I think are useful for SLPs as they relate to Common Core. I will update the file as it grows 🙂 You can download it HERE
Do you have suggestions for more resources you have found useful?

Thank you for including my blog on your list! I hope my goal bank will be useful to other SLPs. Writing them has been a great way of processing the standards.
I would also suggest MasteryConnect. They have a common core app for free and a widget that can be put on websites/blogs. http://www.masteryconnect.com/learn-more/core-app.html
You’re welcome! I think it is so great that you shared that!
I agree…that is the app that I reviewed and one I will be sharing in my presentation. It is included in the link to my blog, but I didn’t know they had a widget also. I will add! Thanks Amy!
Awesome resource! Thank you so much Amy. 🙂
Great resource Jenn! I have used some of Chapel Hill Snippet’s materials and agree they are very helpful. I can’t wait to check out the goal bank you referenced. It is important that we relate the goals/skills we are adressing in therapy to the CCLS; however, we should not be teaching the CCLS. I view our role as SLP’s as helping students develop the foundational skills in S/L therapy that they may be missing, and need, to meet the standards.
Thanks! I totally agree with you…it is not our responsibility to teach the standards, but to make sure we can support out students who may have difficulty reaching those standards due to speech or language disorders. I think it is important that we be well educated in the standards so that we can advocate for our kids, as well as consult & collaborate with teachers.
I have collected some resources that may be of interest too?
Hope they help!
Thanks for sharing!
Hi! Is there a way to save this to a flash drive? I am not an expert with Google Docs. I really like this file. Thanks SO much!
Do you have Google Docs or are you trying to save it without an account? I don’t know if you can save it without downloading first. I’m not sure….I’m sorry! But if you send me your email address I will send it to you. You can post it here or email me at jennalcorn@yahoo.com
Thanks for posting CoreStand’s Standards By Grade Resources. Just a quick FYI…users now have to create a login to view the Standards By Grade. It still is (and always will be) free for teachers to join.
Also, your readers may be interested in joining one of CoreStand’s Virtual Learning Communities, or VLCs, devoted to rich dialogue and collaboration on the essential themes, or “shifts” of the Common Core Standards, like text dependency or literacy in History/social science/science/technology.
Here’s a quick overview of the VLCs: http://corestand.com/vlc
Rich Clark
Thanks Rich!
Hi! My neighbor and I recently started a new web site that provides free resources for teachers focused on the common core – It is called The Curriculum Corner. It can be found at http://www.thecurriculumcorner.com. It is a work in progress but we try to add at least three new ready to print and use resources likes lessons and printable file folder games. I hope this site is useful to you!