There is nothing I like more than finding printables that go with a book I love! I get to target language skills that I may not be able to address with just the book itself. One of my favorites to work on spatial concepts is Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed by Eileen Christelow.
Everyone likes this story and it is a pretty common one. You can even do the chant without the actual book…but I especially like pictures 🙂 It has that great repetitive language that is so good for our little ones. You can definitely target the preposition on, cause and effect, and behavior choices. But if you have the pictures, there are so many more options!
This time I found the exact same monkeys I have and you can download them HERE. There are many, many other cute printables online for this story…all you have to do is google it and TONS come up. I wanted blacklines so I could color them myself (control freak). As you can see, I colored each of the monkeys’ shorts a different color. I did this for 2 reasons…identifying colors and for following directions.
You can do so many things with these story pieces! Ready…set…go…
- story retell
- describing story elements (characters, setting, etc)
- WH questions
- color identification
- spatial concepts
- following directions (you can combine the use of many concepts with this one)
- give each student their own set to take home for carryover of their specific goals
Who doesn’t love a therapy activity that can target sooooo many objectives? Can you think of anything else to do with these guys?

Cute Jenn! Thanks for the free download! I know my preschoolers will love this.
Let’s Talk SLP
Thanks Brea…although the download isn’t one I created, I just found it online 🙂 This is a big hit with my PK-Ks
cute! Another book I’m adding to my list. This was one of my favorite books when I was younger!
This is a good one to have!
This is perfect! Thank you so much!