I got a couple of emails about the student folders that I mentioned in my last post about data collection (you can check it out HERE). Each student I see has a folder of the three prongs and two pocket variety. They are responsible for bringing it to and from therapy. There are a few things that I have them keep in their folder….
This is the cover page they have first in the prongs. I have them do this on their first day of therapy. I have one for speech….
and one for language….
They fill it out on their own, with a little help from me. This works well for parents to know when their therapy time is and what they are working on. Then I have them make goals and we talk about how they will reach them…usually it says something like doing all my homework, practicing in the classroom, etc.
Speaking of homework, I give it weekly. For artic kiddos, it is usually something we have made that has their speech words on it, or it could be as simple as a word list. For language, its something we make, worksheets, or a lesson plan I send home. I try really hard to maintain this part of my therapy because it is so important for them to practice outside of my room. To help motivate, each student has a sticker chart in their folder and they get one sticker for each homework they returned signed by their parents. After they fill up one row on their chart, they get to pick a prize from the treasure box. All homework is hole punched and kept in the prongs, so that by the end of the school year they have lots to practice over the summer! After spending money on fancy sticker charts, I started making them myself using a table in Word….the kids don’t seem to even notice and I save a few budget dollars! This is what mine looks like…
Also for artic students, I keep a progress scale so that they know where they are in the hierarchy…quite simply, I got tired of the question “When will I graduate speech?”. Now, they pull it out and see exactly where they are in relation to being done with therapy. For the older ones, this is very motivating. Once they master a level, they put a sticker or color in the box. I think this was also created by an SLP in my district and I tweaked a little to my liking.
For younger students, or parents who request it, I also keep a speech calendar which I will write a little note letting caregivers know what we worked on that day.
It sounds like a lot now that I have typed it all out, but those are my procedures. My students respond well to them and it is working great for us! You can download them in the links below. What do you do different in your speech room?

these are great!! will you share them?!
Thanks!! I just added links for the cover pages and the progress scale 🙂
These are wonderful!! Thank you so much for sharing! 🙂
Thanks! You’re welcome 🙂
Thank you for sharing these!
What if you have a child who has multiple goals and are not currently aware of them? When you fill out your form do you just tell them what they are? I agree that students need to buy into their therapy and see what they are working towards. I’m just starting my CF in a school so this is all new to me!
Hi Tara,
It is my opinion that all kids should know what they are working on, in some form or another. You can make it really simple for the little guys. If they can’t write it themselves, I write it for them in their words after we have discussed it together. Hope that helps! Good Luck with your CF!!!