I’m knee deep in evaluations that are backed up and IEPs that are due and two new kids that moved into our school with speech….BUT it won’t get me down because….
Check out all this FUN we are having in my crazy speech world!
I found some holly leaves with berries and copied multiple sheets and they wrote articulation words on each leaf! This was great cutting practice for my littles! We glued them onto a green circle. I obviously went traditional…
The girls did not 😉
I challenged my 3rd graders to create their own santa after listening to them complain about never making crafts anymore (I typically do those with PK-2). I gave them red, black, and white construction paper and they worked while I did round robin drills.
They did SUCH a great job and said it was their favorite speech activity this year…I’m not sure if I’m offended by that yet, but I am sure glad they had fun 🙂
Next is the cotton ball santa….classic right? I had zero intentions of doing this but was at the grocery store and cotton balls were on sale so I figured I could find something to do with 5 bags of them. 1500 cotton balls later, we have some pretty cute Santas! All I did was give them a red triangle for the hat and a beige circle for the head. EASY!
BUT, my favorite activity has been to make cards for a local VA nursing home that is for veterans with dementia. It was so easy to target everything single skill all my students are working on. My kids made some of the most beautiful cards for them and it was great to have something for them to do that would have a positive impact on someone else. Then there was this gem…
It turned into a great lesson on pragmatics.
I hope you are having some fun in your speech world to get you through these last days until winter break…I know am counting down! I’d love to hear more ideas!

Love your ideas and your great attitude! Thanks for reminding us our job is fun and a blessing in the middle of the evaluation chaos!
Thanks again for sharing your creativity!! I was just wondering what to do next week.
These are great! I could use them all! I especially love the idea of sending letters…you are so sweet!
Great ideas. I love seeing your student work! I work with older students and think that the word wreaths are perfect for so many goal areas. Thanks!
Love love love it. Ho ho ho
Love all these cute ideas!! I am curious how long your sessions are?
I barely have time to do a cute craft. My sessions are 30 minutes and by the time I get them all settled and drill a few goals- its time to go. I am always so rushed!
Also would you mind sharing your holly and berries template please?
I can always count on my girl Jenn to come through for me with the crafts! Thanks, friend 🙂
Love all these craftivities and while I agree with the other commenter on how long they may take, the communication and home carryover outweigh the fine motor demands…plus OTs love us! We pinched and twisted pipe cleaners this week! Your first comment about being swamped and not letting it get you down is exactly what is needed with a large workload. Sometimes I just send my SLP colleagues a cute craftivity to brighten their day and keep the perspective in the madness! Kudos to you!
You know I love your creative genius and can-do attitude! I have been crafting all month and loving every minute of it. Just as Sparklle said, the language motivation benefits are endless.
These are great Jenn!! Love!!
Thanks friend!