About a month ago I shared this post on emotion charades and I had an idea to create photo collages with my little friends who are working on basic emotions. And when I get these ideas, they usually morph into something else…and this one sure did!
Yes, it turned into an entire book. AND I LOVE IT SO MUCH! This is the cover the page…I decided to go with the detective theme cause it’s one that fits so well! They have to use clues and solve the mysteries of emotions, which can be a super challenging task for so many of my guys.
Inside is a learning rubric and emotion pages. This is my example! I actually used this activity for my observation with my administration!
I jazzed up the cover page for my students…there is a girl detective cover and a boy one…this makes everyone happy 🙂
I included this rubric, which helps the me know where the kids are in their learning as much as it helps them self evaluate. I also included a blank rubric so you can work on more complex emotions as well.
The book’s pages look like this. What I did was create a photo collage in the app, PicStitch, for each of my kids displaying the emotions we worked on. P.S. they really enjoyed taking ‘selfies’ for each of the emotions with the iPod. Hilarious. Then I printed them…I just used the black and white printer I have at school and it turned out fine, but you could also do color too! Then we talked about the face and body clues, synonyms, and examples of situations that have made us feel that way. Once they finished, they could take them to use at home or in their classroom as a reference. It’s so useful!!
You can find this download in my TPT Store!!
I hope you and your students have as much fun as we did!

Looks fabulous!