When I was first asked to lead our school’s sunshine committee (the people who plan the parties, send cards and flowers, and generally try to improve the happiness), I was like….uh. Me? I had some good ideas, but I definitely didn’t see myself leading the charge. I decided to go for it after some convincing from co-workers, and it’s been so much fun! I really believe that there is magic in kindness… and spreading it makes everyone better.
For the most part, we help our people who are going through hard times due to sickness or death in the family with gift cards and send cards when appropriate. We organized a custodian appreciation baskets back in October and will do the lunchroom staff this spring. I hung a Staff Shoutout board in our copy room so that staff can give love to each other, which you can download for free from Teach Create Motivate. We will sponsor a end of year luncheon. You know, fun stuff 🙂
One of my favorite parts of being the committee chair is putting together a monthly treat for the whole staff. Let’s be honest….teachers and school staff LOVE food. Maybe it’s just people in general love food, but I’ve found this to be one of the best ways to bring the sunshine. It’s always a surprise and something different. A lot of times I do something that is breakfast related so that people can start their day on a positive note. I use this frame to hold the sign…and you can write on it!
I have made this a downloadable resource that you can snag for FREE! It includes 10 signs in color, plus the same ones in b/w that you can print on color paper to save some ink. If I make more, I will add them too!
You can download it here.
Don’t forget to leave me feedback if you download it! I’d love some ideas about other signs I can make 🙂