He says to the snow, ‘Fall on the earth,’ and to the rain shower, ‘Be a mighty downpour.’ – Job 37:6
Not too long ago, my daily devotion hit me right in the soul. This verse has been one that I have read over and over and over again since that day it was delivered to my inbox and I felt the need to blog about it, so here we are.
For me, it’s all about being who I was made to be and loving it all the while…and not letting the expectations take me away from that.
I think by maybe by nature, many women are hard on themselves. I think this is especially true for most SLPs, which just happen to be mostly women and have the double whammy of high expectations. Whether they are self induced or job induced, expectations are high. And it’s great in many ways. Until we start using that to measure the greatness in ourselves or, even worse, in each other.
We all have our own gifts and we can all do this job in our own way. I may do things that you would never in a million years do, and vice versa…but that doesn’t make us any less successful. It doesn’t make me or you any less effective. We can’t fit a mold of perfection that doesn’t exist.
But there’s good news. We only have to be who we are. We only have to do what we were created to do…what He created us for. We are all SLPs because we were called to this profession, and I imagine it is for all kinds of different and beautiful reasons.
Stop comparing yourself to your SLP friends. Stop getting caught up in the stress. We work together, learn from each other, and make up this incredible community of people who change lives.
Whatever you do, do it with all that you were made with. Be a mighty downpour.

It has taken me years to learn such valuable lessons. Thanks for this well written reminder. Signed Joyful Again,
Thanks for this! Well said!
I take great comfort in what God says in Isaiah 55:
10 As the rain and the snow
come down from heaven,
and do not return to it
without watering the earth
and making it bud and flourish,
so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater,
11 so is my word that goes out from my mouth:
It will not return to me empty,
but will accomplish what I desire
and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.
Thanks for the uplifting message. I catch myself comparing my style of therapy to other SLP’s all the time. Not a great feeling. Am I not doing enough? How can I be better…….
Sometimes it is a great motivator but it can take the joy away from the profession. There must be a balance. Thanks again!
Thank you for writing about this. It was just what I needed! A great reminder for me.
Jenn, thank you for reminding me to be true to the calling God has given me (not the calling He gives someone else). The devotional I read tonight said something very similar. I think it’s a lesson I need lots of reminders to learn. Blessings, my Sister!
Amen, sister! Thank you for sharing. 🙂
Always a good reminder for any woman! I swear it’s a lesson we have to learn over and over again. Or maybe that’s just me. 😉 Thanks for ‘being a mighty downpour’, pouring reminders of God’s love and grace and purpose all over us!
I love this! Thank you so much for sharing. We are all called to be His hands and feet, yet to serve in different ways. All of our fruits can make a big difference!
Thank you so much for your blog post. I am a new SLP and have been struggling with others expectations this week. I started a job in a rehab unit and in three different schools, only two weeks a part. It has been a lot but your post brought me so much encouragement and brought my eyes back to Jesus and how much he excepts me and is pleased with who I am. I know a lot of us new SLP’s will benefit from your words. Thank you again for the encouragement.
You are a gift, girl!
Right back at ya!