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I give my students homework every week. Every. Single. Week. I have had this frog stamp from Super Duper that I have been using since I started working 7 years ago that said “parent signature” and had a nice line for them to sign. I need signatures so I know whether or not the kids are really doing their homework. Well….the frog is tired. Or I am tired of the frog. Either way, I wanted something else because I find myself writing the words “Practice your <insert phoneme here> sound in each word/phrase/sentence 15 times” a million times a week. Yes, I like to exaggerate. I don’t really write 15 times. I’m not that mean. Two or three or five…depending on how nice the monsters were to me that day. Just kidding. Kinda.
So I found these labels for super cheap at Staples (my secret obsession) and decided I was done with the writing! Homework labels for everyone!
I played with it until I got it the way I wanted, and came up with this!
Can I just tell you how nice it is to pull one of these bad boys off the sheet and slap it on whatever they need to take home to practice? It is life changing. Seriously.
Want some for yourself? Grab the template here! Don’t forget to leave me a comment if you grab them!

This is awesome!! Who would have thought that something so simple would make me so happy!! Thank you!
Thanks Amy! It really makes me SO happy too! Lol
Thanks Jenn!!!
Great idea! You could adjust this for many different therapy practice ideas. Thanks for sharing!
Hey! These are great! I’m constantly searching for a more efficient way to assign homework to my students. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks Karrie!
Thank you! I too require a signature and get tired of writing the same thing so often 🙂
You’re welcome! Hope it makes life a little easier 🙂
This is the BEST idea EVER!!! With all the years I’ve been teaching, why haven’t I thought of this sooner!????!!! Thank you!!!
Thank you Joan!!! I know, I feel the same way! Lol Enjoy!
fabulous! I even ordered the labels through your link…LOVE LOVE! Thank you!!
I have wanted to make these for years but never did. Thanks so much, I have been an SLP for 32 years and I still believe in homework.. Thanks again, so quick and easy
Are these no longer available? When I click on the link – it says “the file has been deleted.”
What am I doing wrong?
I fixed it Rachel! Sorry about that!
I’d love to snag this freebie but it is telling me the link has been disabled 🙁 Any way I can still get it?
I think I fixed it! Let me know if you can grab it now 🙂
I am so inspired by your energy and passion for our field!! Thank you for sharing these labels and I will definitely be shopping many of your other creative ideas! (I think the QR codes are next on my list!)
Thank you so much, Jenn! These are such a lifesaver! I so enjoy your blog and appreciate all of your hard work that goes into each one of your activities/projects. Your students are so lucky to have you.
Love it. Perfect for the travelling SLPs who needs to cut down on carrying lots of paper!
Thank you so much for all the freebies! Your creativeness and dedication to speech therapy is inspiring!
Great idea! Thanks for sharing. It’s difficult to read the print but I will keep trying to get it darker. MJ