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Things have been crazy, but I am excited to finally share my room with you guys! I went with a whole new scheme this year, which I shared with you guys in my Classroom Decor Set. I am pretty lucky that I have my own space, bigger than a closet, smaller than a regular classroom. Certainly better than the storage room I had during my CFY!
This corner of my room is for me, not kids. My desk is usually messy. Organized messy? Eh, I can find what I need but there are certainly piles all over it. I definitely try to clean it off every Friday before I leave. The bookshelf behind my desk has all of my books and references. In the corner are all of my TPT material bins. I always have a jacket on my chair, because even though I live in FL, my building is the Arctic Circle. FUH-REEZING.
I’m loving my new bulletin board, which I covered with cute chevron fabric. The table in front holds any important papers the kids need that day, notebook paper, pencils and pencil sharpeners. I also have my quote chalkboard here. One of the shelves is books. I have a ton and continue to add to the collection. The other shelf has various supplies, including artic buckets, baskets with dictionaries, thesauruses, and whisper phones. I keep all of the markers, crayons, glue, and scissors here for the kids to grab as needed. And the bottom has dry erase and magnet boards. I keep my blocks/bubbles/playdoh/beach balls out of the way up here…I get lots of requests that way 🙂
This is our main working area with my kidney table. I keep the green basket next to my table with this week’s materials ready. I hung my EET and SGM strands on Command hooks right next to the whiteboard for easy access. I have a three drawer rolling cart next to my desk that you can’t really see…but it has all of my card decks and various supplies.
This is opposite of my other bulletin board wall. I have a table here which will house my student computer, once I get it. I also keep all of my Up, Up, and Away sets here (vocabulary, articulation, phonology), plus a wire organizer to hold game boards I make. Then on that desk is my shiny new Elmo! This bad boy has been on my wish list for over a year, so I am thrilled it has made it way into my space. On on the wall is my speech progress chart, which is part of my decor packet and a Dr. Seuss quote from “Oh, The Places You Will Go!” that I made this summer.
I have this table behind my desk that holds one crate for all of my data binders and one crate for all of my artic craftivities. I also have that cork strip for hanging up student work. My big storage cabinet is just to the right of that table and holds all of my testing, games, and commercial materials. On top is all of my bins and extra baskets. On the side I took a big blank piece of white bulletin board paper and taped it, then framed it with border. The sign on it says “We Are Responsible, Respectful, and Ready to Learn” and all of the kids have signed the paper. On the front of the cabinet is a hanging file organizer that I have folders for each grade level, as well as one for pragmatics, syntax, vocabulary, and WH questions. This is where I keep homework sheets ready to go for all of my kids. I try to send at least one thing home weekly.
Wowzza. That’s it! Questions? Comments? I’d love to hear what you think!
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Absolutely love your notice board using chevron fabric. Your student cork strip is pretty cute too – not too much, not too little, just right. Thanks for the tour.
Julie 🙂
Mrs Stowe’s Kinder Cottage
Thanks Julie!!
So in awe of your organization , room is super cute.. I wish I had more time to be like this, but going to 3 places this year I am not even in my main room but 3 days barely!! Feeling very overwhelmed and makes me sad to see what things could be like, I feel like the worst SLP ever
Mary, don’t you dare feel like the worst SLP ever! Being in three schools is H-A-R-D…I did it during my first year and I always felt like I was treading water. I am always in awe of those who have to be in so many different places, cause I remember what a challenge it is. Kudos to you for rising to that challenge!!! xo
Hi Mary (and Hi Jenn!). I am in the same boat this year…3 schools, 3 speech rooms, toting materials everywhere. What helped me most was buying a rolling luggage tote to save my back and shoulders! I think Jenn’s room is amazing and wonderful, but may not be do-able for those of us who travel. Perhaps we can pick one or two ideas and try those. We must give ourselves credit for the wonderful work we do with the students, in spite of being here there and everywhere!
I have an “ugly tote” like that to house some preschool materials. I went to KMart & found some really cute frog wall decorations (the “sticker” type decorations that are suppose to stick to walls) and put them on it. Makes it a little cuter! I’ll try to remember to post some pictures on instagram tomorrow!
~Old School Speech (aka: tnslp)
So how many years did it take you to get to this level of mastery and organization? I want your room…and your brain!
Exhausted CF 😉
Lol, I’ll be honest…it took a few years! I don’t think I felt really on top of it until last year! Patience, grasshopper 🙂
Wow! I love it! The organization is amazing!
Thanks CC!
What is an Elmo?? I am intrigued….
It is a projection system that I can use to project worksheets (like a fancy overhead) but I can also connect it to my computer to show things from there. It’s really cool!
Love it! So cute! 🙂