I finished an early sounds pack with my little superhero graphics and added them to my TPT store last night…but I just now got time to sit down and blog about them! I feel so behind and I have so much I want to share with you guys! It is such a crazy time of year…I know you feel my pain 🙂
This packet is similar to the later sounds packet I debuted yesterday on the blog. Here’s what is included:
- 8 sounds that are early developing just for the little guys, including /f, k, g, p, b, m, t, d/. There are 35 cards for each sound, in all positions. Each card includes a picture and the word…paired with one superhero! Each sound is also color coded and includes a cover card to keep your decks organized.
- 12 blank cards, so you can make your own targets.
- 12 bonus cards
- 12 penalty cards
- Game board