I knew I would tie in the New Year to the first week back from break…but I didn’t want to write a resolution or create a new packet. I wanted something more like a refresh…more like…let’s see where we have been and where we are going! So this week has been about reflections and celebrations.
Questions we have pondered in my room this week are…
- Am I doing my part to meet my goals?
- Do I even know my goals?
- Where am I on the speech progress scale?
- What do I need to improve on?
We have reviewed the kids’ speech folder pages and talked about their goals and if they are doing the things they wrote on there at the start of the year. We also reviewed where they are on the scales. I got lots of ‘oh yeahs…’ 🙂
Celebrations included…
- Meeting a goal
- Moving up on the scales
- Completing all speech homework
- Students added to the wall of fame
Obviously, we discuss these things more often than twice a year, but it’s been a really great way to start off the new year with. Also, since we were in a celebratory mood, we made party hats for our craft this week!
I found this pattern and printed it out. Then I copied it onto several different colors of construction paper (we all need options!)
I did have them write speech words on the inside (I can’t help it!)
Then they decorated with what ever they wanted! This is my example 🙂 Funny story, in a group one day last year I had a table of 3 third graders, all working on /r/…one of them piped up, completely random, “Miss Alcorn, You are like the R Hero” It kinda stuck with me!
Here are a couple of my cutie pies modeling theirs. They really liked doing this and took the hats home to share with their families and celebrate their speech success!
I hope maybe you can use this idea or it sparks something else for you to use with your students! Happy New Year to you all!

I love your idea of reviewing goals after break, Jenn! And the hats are adorable 🙂
Thanks, Nicole!