The awesome folks over at Super Duper Publications sent me a goody to review for you guys! Hidden Picture Scenes For Articulation & Language is one of their new products and I am so excited to have it in my hot little hands 🙂
Included in the box are:
- 80 Scenes – 20 each of S, R, L & S/R/L Blends
- 40 Double-Sided, 8 1/2″ by 11″ Laminated Boards
- 480 Hidden Picture-Words
- 80 Sound Loaded Sentences
- 4 Wet Erase Markers
- Printable CD
Each set of sounds are color coded…which is wonderful, because we all know they will get mixed up every now and again. And as always, Super Duper offers many suggestions inside the box for Game Ideas for both Articulation and Language! Each laminated card has a silly scene on it…from a dog with sunglasses for a body to a tree with a flute for a branch. Can you already hear the giggles? There are 6 target pictures at the bottom of the card to find in the scene and one sound loaded sentence. You can use the markers to color on the board OR print out a sheet from the disc.
For Articulation, you can:
- have students race against each other
- find objects that go with the sentence
- exchange boards for a face off
- find other things in the scene that have their speech sounds.
Each time, students can read the sentence and name the pictures, all with their sounds.
For Language, skills suggested for targeting include:
- describing
- vocabulary
- listening
- social skills
Since the pictures are silly, you could discuss fantasy/realism and absurdities. You could also have the students tell a story about their picture after they find all the hidden items.
You could easily target speech fluency and voice goals with this too!
I played this today in an one-on-one session and in group…here is how we did it:
In my one-on-one, I was with a second grade kiddo working on /s/. We went through and found all of the pictures at the bottom of the card, made sentences with each word, played “I spy”, and then ended with a silly story, where I did a sentence, then he did a sentence and all had to use a picture with his target. He loved it! He wanted to find the pictures in all my scenes!
In a group, I gave each of my students a card with their target sound…lucky me, it was a group of 3 of one working on each sound targeted in the box 🙂 First we reviewed each of the pictures and practice the sounds, then I had the kids race to see who could find each of their pictures the fastest. The winner said their sentence first and the rest of the group followed. We went through 2 scenes in their session and they had a great time with this activity. I also gave them a printout for homework! Score!
Overall, I really like this product! I think it is a great addition to my therapy toolbox and my students really enjoy it! Best Part? All of the scenes are on the printable CD, which they can take home for carryover practice 🙂 And let’s just be honest…who doesn’t love hidden pictures??? My only gripe is the wet-erase pens…but that is really just a personal preference. I like dry erase better 🙂
Now, I would just like to see more sounds! It would be great if there were sounds that I could target with my younger crowd.
Do you have this product? What other ideas do you have about using it in your therapy room?
Note: Super Duper was kind enough to provide this product for my review, but the opinions are mine.