I’m all about encouraging my students and their families to continue to work on their speech and language skills over the summer. I definitely recognize that some of them aren’t interested and won’t even take a peek before tossing it away…but I still feel the urge. I still feel like it’s my responsibility to provide it, just in case.
Throughout the year I send home pages from my Weekly Homework packet, so I wanted something similar for the summer…and now it’s here!
The packet includes 10 themes, which are aimed to be used once a week…so your whole summer break is covered. As you saw above packet includes pages for both articulation and language, and you can customize for each of your students and what they need. And you can copy double sided to save paper…10 pages to include both speech and language, or 5 for one or the other!
You can find this packet in my TPT store!
Do you send home summer homework? I’d love to hear why or why not!

I send homework every year and sadly I only get one or two back. I was actually debating about whether to send it this year. I’m still deciding, but your sweet little packet may be the nudge I need! 🙂
Jenn, I have sent homework home since parents stated I didn’t reach out enough to let them know how they could interact with their kids to help. In over 15 years, I’ve only gotten 4 booklets back, and I sent about 1/2 inch packet of fun, games, pages, calendars, coloring, drills with fun, and poems to practice. It’s virtually suitable for everything on the caseload. Some is even review skill pages from during the year. Rarely get even 1 back a year. So sad. I had a few years where the kids mostly did their homework all year but this year, they’ve mostly not completed it at all!! So sad. I think they have so much to do from their own classroom teachers, even in k dg and 1st grade, that they don’t even have 5 mins to do their sounds. Boo hoo. So many outside sports aND other activities that there’s no time left after class hw. And the kids say they get up early in the morning to finish what they ran out of time to finish at night too. Change of times. I still send them, but am thinking next year making it much smaller! Happy summer!! 😚🏅
This is a really great idea Jenn, as a parent I totally agree having homework over the summer for the kids, to make them busy learning and enjoy summer at the same time.