I feel like I am constantly on the lookout for ways to work on syntax….this is one of those things that can get real boring, real fast. And I just can’t have that! So I have created another download that is chock full of activities to target some of the goals that my students are currently working on & some ideas I got from followers of CSW’s Facebook page…Sporty Sentences features 5 different syntax skills…combining sentences using conjunctions, word order, adjectives, irregular plurals, and irregular past tense verbs. I like the sports theme because I can use this with a wide age range of kids!!
- Up first is baseball! Sentence Homers targets combining sentences using conjunctions. Includes 24 baseball cards containing 2 sentences. Sentences must be combined to form one complex sentence using the conjunctions ‘and’, ‘but’, ‘because’ or ‘so’. If correct, student keeps the card. Watch out for the 6 ‘Swing and A Miss’ penalty cards!
Next we have soccer! - Kick A Sentence features 24 soccer balls with 5-6 words on them. Students must unscramble the words to make a complete sentence. This is great to target oral or written sentence structure. You could also target sentence expansion with these…i.e. did the sentence answer ‘who’, ‘what’, ‘when’, ‘where’, or ‘why’? If not, how can you expand it so that it does?
Also included are 6 Blocked Goal penalty cards! - My personal favorite…football! Throw An Adjective! targets adding adjectives to sentences to make them more interesting! Includes 24 football cards, each containing a basic sentence. Students must identify the nouns and add adjectives correctly to form a new sentence. These are also pretty basic sentences that you could work on expanding!
This set has 8 ‘interception cards to go with it. - Slam Dunk Past Tense targets correct use of irregular past tense verbs. It includes 24 basketball cards, each containing a sentence with an underlined verb. Students must replace the it with the correct past tense irregular verb. And 6 Air Ball penalty cards to go with the basketball theme.
- Last card set is a tennis game to target irregular plural nouns. Match, Set, Plurals includes 18 tennis cards, each containing a sentence with an incorrect noun, that is underlined. Students will replace the underlined word with the correct irregular plural noun so the sentence makes sense. Plus 6 tennis penalty cards as well!
- Last is a game board, which you can use with any of the card sets…you could have multiple students working on different goals or everyone using the same, all playing this game together. All you need are dice and game markers. The cards can also be used by themselves or with another game in your room. You would be able to target both receptive and expressive skills with each of the activities.
You can find this in my TPT Store!
Twin Sisters Speech and Language Therapy says
This looks great! I would love to use it with some of my boys who are obsessed with sports!
SLP Gone Wild says
Thanks! I hope your sports crazed boys love it! 🙂
Anonymous says
I am always looking for great activities for my speech language therapy groups! I would love a free copy. Thanks for all the great ideas.
SLP Gone Wild says
I hope you like using it!
kcraig6207 says
Love this!! Looks like an exciting way to work on grammar 🙂
SLP Gone Wild says
Thank you so much!
Anonymous says
Love this! So great for all ages! Excited to use it! amhoward422@gmail.com
SLP Gone Wild says
I gave the free copies to the first two commenters…I’m sorry! But thank you for your feedback! It is available in my store and I will be doing a giveaway on my FB page 🙂
Alexis says
Aww man I really wanted a free copy! I love your materials! Not only are they great, but they give me so many ideas for my own materials! Maybe if you wanted to give me a free one anyway… dettmer2@gmail.com
SLP Gone Wild says
I’m sorry! I will be doing a giveaway on the FB page this week, so check it out and maybe you will win a copy 🙂
Mallory says
YAY! I commented on your facebook page about making materials to target adjectives- buying this now!
SLP Gone Wild says
Woohhooo! I hope it meets your needs! Thank you so much 🙂
blair764 says
Sentence construction is an area I have been looking for materials for. Great collection!
SLP Gone Wild says
Thank you!
Amy Roberts says
Love this! And a great birthday gift to me on 12/12/12!!!
SLP Gone Wild says
Thank you! And happy happy birthday to you!!!
Anonymous says
great sports theme! Just a little FYI,if you update this… in tennis, if a ball lands ON the line, it is a GOOD thing, as it means the ball is IN, so you wouldn’t lose
a turn for this. You could lose a turn if you hit the ball OUT of the line :>
(Tennis playing SLP’s… we’re out there!)
keep up the good work!! (ps love your eskimo, now Arctic Artic!!)
SLP Gone Wild says
Oh boy…My tennis playing grandma would be so disappointed! Lol, thanks, Jodi, I will update!