End of year gifts for students was something I always did when I worked in the schools! In this post, you will find several functional ideas, plus a great freebie!

Every year about this time, I try to find a little something that I can send home with my students. Last year, I did bubbles and rock candy. The year before was glow necklaces. This year, I’m doing a few different things and I wanted to share them with you in case you’re trying to figure out something too!

First, the big kids. And by big, I mean 1st through 5th š I decided to gift them journals. I was going to buy these on Amazon, but I quickly realized that I had all of the supplies to make these myself…just some plain copy paper and Astrobrights cardstock. I put several pages of the white paper inside of a piece of cardstock, folded in half, and stapled them together. SO EASY!

I have heard several times from my kids about how they don’t have crayons at home, so I also got them these 8 packs. And for my 4th and 5th graders, they are getting a couple of colorful pens that I have on hand… they LOVE writing with pens! I will also personalize these journals by writing their names on the front with a little message inside the front cover from me.

My PK and Kindergarteners are getting play-doh and these articulation mats! I stocked up on the party size tubs of play doh last summer when they were on sale at Costco, so I have tons of it and I swear it’s their favorite thing this year. I created these FREE speech mats to go with them, plus I will include a mini version of my speech chant for the sound they are working on… hoping that helps parents get the correct production!

They will also take home the folder they have used in speech all year, with any activities that we’ve completed in therapy that haven’t already gone home. AND, if parent’s request it, I will send home this summer practice program. I only do these by request, I’m not into wasting the trees or time.
Don’t forget to visit my shop and grab your free summer articulation mats! They can be used for SO many things, whether as a therapy activity or for send home practice.
What do you send home at the end of the year for your students?