Wind up toys are a great way to engage your preschool and elementary-age students in speech therapy goals. You can use them to target so many areas, here are some ways I used them during the spring season!
So after I got some inspiration from my friend Felice over at The Dabbling Speechie, I headed over to my local Dollar Tree to find some eggs and grass to make my own sensory bin and I ended up finding two different ones that are perfect for spring.

These little guys are wind-up toys and you know that is like GOLD in the speech therapy world! On their own, they are a favorite toy to work on various language skills including requesting, specific vocabulary, turn-taking, AAC devices, and simple signs… all kinds of stuff! They helped me accomplish even more than that this week!
Check out what else we did:

I spread out these phonology sheets and we let the chick and bunny go. Whatever picture they landed on, the kids had to practice! It was a lot more fun than just practicing words and the children were very engaged and ready to say their words.

We were also able to use them for working on describing with the EET! This sheet is from my Easter No Prep packet.
For my older students, we had some chick vs. bunny races and I was able to easily incorporate some drill. It’s always a win for me when I can use the same materials!
I hope that gives you some new ideas for therapy…if you don’t have the bunny and chick yet, go by your Dollar Store and grab them OR I found these on Amazon that are similar!

Cute ideas Jenn!
Thanks Kerry!
Love these ideas! I saw your instagram photo and headed over to the dollar store to get some wind up toys for my speech room.
Thanks Felice! They are so fun!