This week is community helpers…and while I probably could have gotten crazy with a bunch of different helper crafts, I decided to stick with just one. Then I decided police badges were the most exciting thing I could think of…and I’ll be totally honest…I wasn’t convinced would be a hit, but after today, I know it is! They really liked it!
First, you need to cut out a pattern. I just looked at one online and found one HERE. I had some leftover stars and blue squares, so I decided we would make a mosaic-esque badge. Ok, and the kids had NO idea what I meant when I said mosaic, so it’s also good for vocabulary lesson 🙂
Then I had them glue their star first, then add the blue squares around it with their speech words.
They loved it! I had one girl fit FIFTY little squares on hers! She got a high five! Her’s was less mosaic and more collage 🙂
For my little ones who aren’t able to write on those little squares, I just had them glue their speech word pictures from the artic buckets.
I think they turned out really cute! What do you think?