I am always inspired by other people’s projects…this may be why I love Pinterest so much! This time though, I was really digging Jenna Rayburn’s Miss Piggy over at Speech Room News. I just knew that pig was a huge hit and I wanted one too!
So I started looking around my house for some empty containers and I came up with a coffee cannister that I had been saving for something…bingo! I had some left over spray paint from the magnet trays and got busy!
Once the container was sprayed, I let it dry for 24 hours. I cut a round hole in the top with an exacto knife. Then the fun started! I got out my paint and craft supplies [read: googly eyes and feathers]. I wasn’t sure yet what exactly this animal was going to be….
But here she is! My son thinks it looks like she belongs in Vegas! I think she is cute and I might giggle every time I look at it. I can’t wait to use her this year.
I haven’t named her…probably will leave that up to my students! With the hole in the top, you can use any card game and throw them in there instead of putting in a pile. I’m thinking this will go perfect with the WHOO game I just posted! I was also thinking of having my student’s tweet [think Twitter] as an exit ticket once a week about what they learned, questions they still have, or something they want me to know and they can put them in her as they leave. I can post on the tweets wall in my room and it can be a springboard for more discussion…aka speech practice!
What do you think?! Can you think of another way to use this idea?

You could glue a bunch of feather of different colors on the back and make it a peacock. 😉
I’m totally going to make this. It looks easier to make than the piggy, so thanks for the great idea!
If I had more feathers, I totally would! That’s a great idea!
It was pretty easy and a lot of fun. I think I might make another one!
Cute! Now I want one-thanks for sharing!
Thanks! You should totally make one…it was fun 🙂 You’re welcome!
I joined Goggle so I could leave comments on your awesome site! I saw Miss Piggy at SRN and thought she was super cute, but I have to give props to “Little Miss Whoot.” I especially love your exit ticket idea. I like to give my students a treat after their last session each week. How about a “Treat for a Tweet!” Yep, I think I have to make this:-) Thx for another great idea!
YAY! So glad to have you be able to comment now! Don’t forget to add your comment that you emailed me…I tried to email you back but I got a error message. I like doing exit tickets…usually I just have them answer a question as they walk out but this could be more fun. I think your “Treat for a Tweet” is an awesome idea!!
Could you do a post about your tweet board? What is it and how do you use it in therapy?
Well, it’s a new idea…I haven’t ever done it before. But my thought is to use it as a replacement for my previous exit ticket. An exit ticket is just a quick activity the kids do before they leave, usually they answer a question about what we worked on as they line up to leave. Now I am thinking of having strips of paper for them to write something down…either about what they learned or a question they have or something to share and putting it on a bulletin board. We can talk about their “tweets” in another session and it it is a way for me to check in with their learning. I don’t know if this will work, but I like the idea of it 🙂 I will do a post after school starts about how it is going.