Who has two thumbs and is super stoked to be off today? This girl. Thanks to President’s Day, I am going to be enjoying the beautiful Florida sunshine 🙂 This week will be all about the presidents, so I created this quick and easy craft to honor two of our most famous presidents…involving one of my favorite activities…ripping paper!
How cute are Abe and George?! Ready to make your own? It’s really easy, I promise!
Black, white, blue, and light fleshy colored construction paper…if you can’t find that weird light fleshy color, you could use white and the kids can color it. I cut a pattern for Abe’s hat and one for Georges, then made some ovals for faces. But what about the other black and white paper?
Rip it up! I’m gonna let the kids do this part cause they like it so much and, let’s face it…it saves me some time.
Then I just glue the hat to the head and put the torn paper all around their faces! I drew the nose and mouth, and added some eyeballs I had left over from another craftivity. Easy Peasy! But we need more…
So I added this worksheet for the kids to write their speech words. You can grab it HERE. I changed the border after I took this pic, so yours will look a little different than this one. I glued it to a sheet of construction paper and then glued the president’s head to the top.
I think these are perfect for this week and I can’t wait to let my kids make them while we learn all about our country’s presidents 🙂
What do you think? Do you use President’s Day as a teaching unit? I’d love to hear your ideas!

There are too many things going on at once! Last week, I had trouble deciding between Valentine’s and the Olympics, this week Presidents’ Day or the Olympics (since Valentine’s won out last week!)!!! I’m going with the Olympics this week since the Winter Olympics only come around every 4 years, and most of my kids have no idea about it!
This is so cute! Great idea…thank you so much for sharing!