These pizza speech therapy ideas are perfect for any time of year and your students will LOVE learning with this theme!
Did you know that the second week of January is National Pizza Week? There’s also National Pizza Day on February 9th! There are many reasons to celebrate the food we all love, so why not use it as a theme in your therapy sessions?
The Little Red Hen (Makes a Pizza) is a twist on the classic story, where Little Red Hen decides to make a pizza, but her friends are too busy to help. In the end, she still shares her pizza and her friends end up helping out in a different way. This one is on the longer side, but lots of great vocabulary and the story will give you tons of options for deeper discussions. Great for your upper elementary students.
Pete the Cat’s and the Perfect Pizza Party is a cute story about the pizza-loving Pete. TONS of alliteration in this story, it’s great if you need to target /p/ or /ɹ/…. and let’s face it, kids love Pete books! This one is perfect for your Prek and early elementary kids. It’s also currently free on Kindle Unlimited (at the time of this blog post, it may not stay free).
This craft is an easy one! All you need is beige, red, yellow, green, and brown construction paper. Students can cut their circle crust or you can do it for them, then just use ripped paper pieces as the ‘toppings’. Students can talk about what they like and don’t like on their pizza, describe flavors and textures, and you can even write words on the pieces if you want!
Boom Deck
Pup’s Pizza Party is a super fun activity to work on speech sounds! Just pick the sound you want to target, then you will create a pizza while practicing! There are 10 target words for each sound, so if you practice each word 10 times you will easily get 100 trials. Each sound is mixed positions to allow for maximal practice. Once you’re done building it, you’ll feed Pup the pizza!
Ready for a freebie? Check out this mini book companion for The Little Red Hen (Makes a Pizza) that includes vocabulary cards, character props, and a language activity.